“I’ll try, but I can’t promise I’ll stay. I want to see what it’s like first,” I spoke half-heartedly.
“Very well. You should know that this will spare you a lot of classes. You’ll be practicing almost every day, and I know how much you girls dislike sitting in class.”
Her mood had visibly changed, and her cheerful smile returned.
The other two had nothing to say as they were literally jumping for joy.
“Your first practice is today after lunch, where you’ll get to know the rest of the team and learn the basic steps of the routines. If you need anything, see the captain, Amber Wrise.”
If the ceiling hadn’t fallen on my head before, it buried me under after that sentence. That fucking name. Out of all the girls in the school, that bottle blonde had to be a cheerleader. I had yet to interact with her, but something told me I was definitely on her naughty list after the look she’d given me the other day and the incident with her boyfriend this morning.
I didn’t even realize it when I came out of the office, but I wanted to go back in and decline the offer. I knew that chick and I wouldn’t get along, and I had a bad feeling: I feared another dance would wake my demons from their hibernation. Unfortunately, it was too late to back out, so I went down to the cafeteria and kicked the walls about five times on the way there.
I wanted to scream.
Fucking high school, fucking city … fuck!
It seemed better to get a month’s detention for Harris and Joshua’s fight.
When I walked into the cafeteria, all eyes were on me, just like I expected. I saw my friends sitting at a table somewhere in the back of the cafeteria and they beckoned me to sit with them. I rubbed my forehead for a few seconds as I walked. It was not a good idea because I immediately bumped into someone andafter a short yelp, I heard a splash, then something warm and wet hit my chest.
In front of me, I saw Amber’s angry face. Her white tank top and the ends of her yellow hair were completely covered in noodles. I would have laughed if I hadn’t been covered in the same goo.
“You…” she hissed angrily, resembling a bull at a bullfight. “Are you blind? Can’t you watch where you’re going?” she roared, throwing down her tray and the rest of her noodles and pointing dramatically at her outfit.
“I am sorry but consider this a favor I am doing you. They would have gone straight to your ass, and you would have ruined the angle of the pyramid.”
The cafeteria erupted in laughter. I didn’t care that I was also covered in Bolognese; I wasn’t the only blind person, and when it came to insults, she had no idea who she was dealing with.
Her face turned red, and not because of the sauce.
“How dare you?” she waved her hands like a drama queen as a few girls gathered around her, probably her obedient minions.
“How dare I… what? Bump into you or say your ass is fat?” I countered, remaining as serious as possible while shrugging my shoulders comically. Laughter seized the room again and somewhere in the background I noticed someone watching the situation with an amused expression on his face. Harris looked at me seductively, not caring that I had just turned his girlfriend into a walking buffet, even though I didn’t look much better.
While I’d been busy staring at him, I’d lost track of Amber, and I almost paid for it. Her growl caught my attention and I saw her palm coming towards my face. My reflexes didn’t fail me as I grabbed her wrist before she could hit me.
I laughed; the amusement was gone, and a devilish satisfaction spread across my features. She was a head shorter than me, and her strength was mediocre at best.
“Don’t play games with me, princess, or pasta in your hair is going to be the least of your problems.”
“Ooooo,” the cafeteria roared as she growled like a frustrated dog and tried to break free from my grip to no avail.
“Let go of me, you crazy bitch!”
I did as she asked. I pushed her back and she stumbled on her heels, luckily one of her friends caught her in time.
“You attack me and I’m the crazy bitch?!”
She tried to regain her dignity as she looked at me like she was mentally dissecting me, but her magical powers seemed to have gone out because I felt as good as new. More or less.
“See you at practice, freak,” she spat through her teeth as she walked past me.
Well, shit on stick, she already knew I was on the team, and after all that, there was no way she was going to take it easy on me.
I stopped in my tracks and growled to myself, spaghetti on my chest, until Kristen and Candice came up to me, both amused.
They looked at me as if they’d never seen me before.