When I looked back at her, she was staring at the packet in shock, unable to believe how much I had taken. Her eyes were big and wide, mostly because of the drugs and alcohol.
“If you’re not going to have some pretty fucked up hallucinations, then there’s something seriously wrong with you. When I was an addict, I couldn’t withstand this much.”
I grinned and winked at her.
“You don’t have my training, honey. I used to take a lot more,”which is why I was close to dying so many times.
She looked at me again and slipped the packet back into her bra before Harris could see us, because then we’d both be in trouble.
“So you’re not the good girl you seem to be.”
I laughed, “I seem to be a good girl? Wow, thanks…I guess.”
“After snorting that like it was powdered sugar, you have definitely changed my mind. Harris said you only get high once in a while.”
“Harris doesn’t always have to know everything,” I winked at her and she put her arms around my shoulders.
“I’m starting to like you more and more, babe.”
I smiled and wrapped an arm around her waist, then we both started moving to the music,Such a Whoreby JVLA was blaring from the speakers, and I didn’t think there was anything more explicit.
“Come on Kath, unleash your inner whore, tonight we’re partying,” V spoke into my ear, then she grabbed my hips.
She wanted me to dance with her, so I gave her what she wanted until we both started touching each other in a lascivious way. V’s hands wondered over places only Harris had touched, and that amused me more than it should have, because my hands weren’t shy either.
The drug was playing tricks on me, my body and my brain, and I let it.
I let myself get carried away by the madness around me, screaming with the people around while I danced with V and other girls I didn’t know who acted like we were best friends. Only one of them looked at me strangely, but I didn’t pay much attention to her.
The song was addictive, and I was in the mood to cause trouble, immediately remembering Harris’ warning.
We were surrounded by green laser beams and a machine kept spraying smoke, making the mood even more euphoric.
One by one, they all stripped out of their clothes and jumped into the pool, and I had the stupid urge to do the same as I was already sweaty.
I threw away the energy drink, swiped V’s cup and gulped down the cold, bitter beer.
The song switched to LMFAO’SOutta Your Mind, and I hoped I would not lose my mind too.
The atmosphere was getting hotter and hotter. I could feel the taste of drugs in the air. V screamed like a crazy party girl and I did the same.
When the song changed to One True God’sEmptiness, she glued herself to me. We were intertwined and dancing lasciviously when something caught our attention.
Harris and Jay were standing next to each other, a few steps away from us, both watching us with amusement in their eyes, but also… with something else.
V put her arms around my shoulders and bit my earlobe as they came closer, and I could see Jay grinning.
“I think I’ll keep her,” she called out to Harris.
I laughed, and Harris squinted, then his palms slid between us. It had been interesting dancing with V, but as soon as I felt his touch on me, my brain crackled and I clung to him like I was under a spell.
“I don’t think so,” Harris grinned.
I heard her laugh, but I didn’t turn back to her. I left Jay to deal with it and focused on the god standing in front of me.
He wasn’t dancing, but I didn’t mind moving on my own as long as I was glued to him.
“I need to get you out of here,” he almost groaned into my ear, and I pushed back to look at him.