This time it was V, and we both started laughing.
“Too bad you’re not between my legs,” I whispered devilishly against his lips.
“I was planning on getting there,” he pouted.
“I’m coming, V,” I shouted, trying to make her go away from our door, which earned me a devastating kiss.
Harris let me shower first and didn’t come with me because then we wouldn’t have gone to the party and we would have risked V barging in on us.
After nearly an hour of V buzzing around me like a bee during pollination season, I stood in front of a mirror, and did not recognize myself.
I was wearing a black leather dress. It had no cleavage and covered the entire length of my neck, but it was completelybackless and showed the entire tattoo that V had supposedly fallen in love with. It was offensively short and tight, and it felt like a second skin.
The shoes were a pair of black, high-heeled leather ankle boots with a studded ankle bracelet attached. She had straightened my hair and tied it into a low ponytail, and my makeup consisted of black eyeshadow and eyeliner, which I had applied myself according to her instructions.
I applied red lipstick as a test, but she wouldn’t allow me to wipe it off.
It had been a long time since I had seen myself so dressed up… so sexy, because that dress had no other goal. It didn’t let a drop of innocence seep through, and V had chosen it on purpose.
“Oh god, you look stunning,” she bounced around excitedly, proudly applauding her masterpiece.
“Thank you,” I smiled sheepishly at her, “You too,” and pointed to her outfit.
It wasn’t as shocking as mine. She was wearing a dress that looked more like a long tank top that came down to her thighs, over a purple bra that didn’t leave much to the imagination, and black over-the-knee boots.
V could make anything sexy, even a tank top.
“Harris will die when he sees you,” her smile was almost diabolical and made me laugh.
The thought that Harris might not like it had crossed my mind. I was a little – more than a lot – too vulgar.
“Do you think he’ll like it?” I asked, a little unsure.
“Are you kidding me? Just look at yourself. I’m afraid he’ll take you to his room and we won’t go to any party tonight,” she laughed and handed me a wide silver cuff with small studs that covered my entire wrist.
I laughed too, pulling the dress down as if it would conceal even more, while V went on and on about the impossible miracle that Harris’ tattoo was.
His friends were just as shocked as I was.
I looked around. We were in Jay and V’s room, which was almost twice the size of Harris’ and full of color, just as I’d expected from them. Two of the walls were purple, the other two were dark yellow. I didn’t know if it was all the rage to match the walls to your hair, but it amused me. You couldn’t see much of the walls anyway, as they were covered in posters of rock bands and race cars. Their closet was much bigger than Harris’, a literal walk-in filled mostly with V’s clothes.
I started laughing as she grinned like a devil again, because I was starting to love her more and more, and neither of us opened the “Joshua” talk, because we didn’t want to open that can of worms and spoil our mood.
“Girls, there are others here who want to change,” Jay’s voice rang out from the other side of the door.
“Get changed in Harris’ room,” V answered him indifferently.
“Yeah, as if he would let me. The last time I knocked on that door, he hit me so hard I dreamed of blue demons all night. So, no thanks.”
We both started laughing hysterically.
“Deal with it,” V replied, still laughing.
“Oh, really? Harris, get your ass over here, we have a door to break down,” I heard him call out in the hallway.
“Is the door locked?” I asked V, trying to stifle the tears.