The engine purred, seemingly sleepy, almost like a wild animal waking from hibernation.
I revved the engine a little, barely touching the pedal, but the monster roared and shook beneath us.
“Oh, my God,” a startled gasp escaped me and I clutched the steering wheel.
Harris laughed.
I revved it again, because the sound and the feeling were the purest drugs. I really wish I had this car today. Then no one would have caught up with me.
I looked at Harris and wondered if maybe he knew more about today’s incident than he let on, but it wasn’t the right time to bring it up.
“Come on, baby, show me what you’ve got. I’m curious how you managed to ruin the Opel.”
He was the worst temptation, and all I wanted to do was release the brake and step on the gas, but I stayed calm. For the moment.
“You’re offering me a monster to protect me when you’re not around, aren’t you?” I concluded, glancing at the steering wheel.
“Pretty much,” he replied seriously, “it’s a gift that I really want you to accept, but also a protector in case you ever find yourself alone. You’ll always be protected from the shadows, I promise you that, at least until we get these issues resolved, but I don’t ever want you to get into anyone else’s car, and I don’t mean Zac.”
He was talking about Adam, I knew that. I had gotten into his car and he had tried to take me out of town and we had been attacked.
Curiosity got the better of me as I looked at him.
“And you trust me to be able to defend myself when you’re not around?”
He leaned towards me and took my chin between his fingers, “I’d put my life in your hands any day, Katherine. I trust you that much. You’re stronger than you think.”
Slowly, I swallowed to stifle the tears that were threatening to fall. That was the true gift he was giving me: his trust.
“After everything that’s happened, after everything I’ve put you through, you’re still here, baby. You still accept me around and allow me to touch you. You’re still brave enough to be with me.”
“Because I love you.”
My eyes widened. He froze.
Oh, fuck, had I just said that out loud? It came instinctually, the first reason that came to mind in response to what he’d told me.
“What?” Harris whispered.
I could have sworn he was shaking with his fingers still on my chin.
It felt like I’d just swallowed my tongue.
Harris pushed his chair back and pulled me onto his lap faster than I thought he was capable of, and I realized we had a lot more room in this car.
“Baby, what did you just say?”
The need in his voice was so sweet, so euphoric. I could feel every barrier crumbling down inside him.
I leaned forward and took his face in my palms.
“How can it shock you to hear it? How could you not already know? What other reason could I have to accept everything? What do you think is keeping me here after everything that’s happened?”
He stopped breathing, and I could tell he was even more shaken up to hear it than I had been.
“I love you, Harris,” I whispered, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, “I love you so much that what I’m able to accept and do for you… scares me. My own feelings scare me.”
I whimpered over his mouth just before it crashed against mine.