There was a wing drawn on the side with a word neatly scribbled into the feathers. “Wild”.
I knew that wing.
Harris pulled me to the other side, where the same thing was drawn, with the word “Angel”.
It was my tattoo, but perfected.
“This is the redhead,” Harris said with a soft smile.
I looked at him and blinked a few times, then I understood what he was talking about.
The redhead. That redhead.
I couldn’t help laughing as the realization washed over me.
“Oh, you tricked me so well, like a real con artist.”
I tried to stifle my laughter and wiped the tears that came out with it as he smiled beside me. Such a sweet and genuine smile.
“Do you like it?” he asked as he hugged me.
“Yes, it’s absolutely gorgeous.”
“It’s all yours.”
I blinked a few times, still mesmerized by the fast, blood-colored car in front of me, as I realized what he was saying.
“What, mine?” I turned my gaze to him, confusion evident in my tone.
“Yes, yours,” he clarified with a satisfied grin, a satisfaction probably brought on by my reaction.
“What…” I frowned, looking at the car again, then at him and so on, “Harris, have you gone mad? How… where…”
My hands started gesturing through the air as if they had a mind of their own. How on earth did he come up with the idea of giving me a car like that? I tried to calm down and looked at him carefully to make sure it wasn’t some kind of sick joke.
“You don’t have to work as a bodyguard for it,” he winked at me.
I had no idea what he was talking about anymore.
“Are you serious about this? Do you really want to give me… that?” I pointed at the car, “Just because I told you I wanted one today?”
“No, not because of what you said today. I’ve been in the process of getting it ready for you for a while, but the custom wings took a while. I had to make sure they resembled your tattoo. I even drew the design for it.”
Once I convinced myself that he wasn’t actually joking, I was even more confused than before.
“Harris, it’s great, but you know I can’t accept that,” when he heard my words, his amusement was blown away.