Page 258 of Obsession

I covered my mouth with my hand while Harris laughed his ass off behind me.

“I’m starting to hate you,” he attacked with a furious glare, and I put on my cutest face.

“Does that mean you didn’t hate me until now? Aw, how sweet.”

Jay stuck his tongue out at me, just like a child.

“Are you hungry?” Harris whispered in my ear as the laughter died down and Jay went to get an ice pack for his head.

I nodded vehemently.


Half an hour later, we were all in the living room, lying on the couch or on the floor, with lots of pizza boxes, soda cans and beer around us. I was in Harris’ arms, picking the arugula off my piece. I couldn’t stand arugula, but he ate it for me and licked my fingers every time I fed it to him.

I’d had a hot shower and V had lent me a bra too. I smelled like Harris’ shower gel and all I wanted to do was lie down in his sheets, on his mattress, with him.

My father had called and sent me a total of five messages. I had only replied to one, saying that I was fine and needed time to cool down.

It was the first happy meal I’d had in a long time that made me feel like part of a family again. I ate until my stomach threatened to explode and I laughed a lot with them. Jay argued with Ken about what movie they were going to see.

After we’d eaten, the others were already buzzed from the beer. V licked a lollipop while she chose a movie by herself. She had her phone connected to the TV and was flicking through the Netflix movies while Ken and Jay fought over the remote. It was hard not to laugh every five minutes around them.

Ty had taken a seat on a chair, with his laptop resting on his legs and his headphones plugged in.

I looked at them lovingly. I didn’t know Ken’s story, but Harris had told me about the others. They were his family.

I hoped that one day I would be one of them.

We collected the empty cartons and cans and carried them into the kitchen, where we struggled to shove them all into the garbage can. Harris hadn’t had a beer, and neither had I after learning the reason for his alcohol ban.

After we’d washed our hands, he put his arm around my waist and spun me around to face him.

“I have a surprise for you.”

I arched an eyebrow, curiosity coursing through me. He just smiled and pulled me behind him as we walked down the stairs into the garage.

“Harris?” he smiled again when he heard his name and turned to me, grabbing my waist.

“I want you to meet someone,” he said, and I looked around, but there was no one there.

He led me to the front of a car hidden under a silver cover.

I waited, confused.

Harris smiled as he grabbed the edge of the cover and pulled it off in one motion.

I wasn’t ready for this. Especially not to the color.

My mouth opened in astonishment, then I smiled in fascination.

“Wow,” was all I could say.

It was a Mustang, one that was not at all to Harris’ liking. Its color was a hypnotizing blood red. I loved it at first sight. Of all his cars, this would be my favorite, even though the Ferrari was special too.

I had never seen such a beautiful car in my life.

It was only much later that I noticed the details.