Page 237 of Obsession

“Katherine?!” He shouted as his feet stomped on the stairs.

“In here!” I replied in a shaky voice as I quickly wiped the tear stains from my face.

Harris stormed into my room, looking frantic with worry, then suddenly stopped.


I began, but I didn’t know what to say. I gave him the time he needed to calm down, as he was probably making sure I was standing in front of him.

“I’m sor…”

“No!” he interrupted me, raising a finger and coming closer to me. “Don’t make a sound, because I’m capable of blowing up right now. Do you have any idea how much you’ve scared me?”


“I told you not to make a sound.” I closed my mouth and kept the comment to myself. “Are you okay? Please tell me you’re okay.”

I couldn’t be angry with him because his tone was one of pure fear.

I simply nodded.

“Fuck,” he exhaled heavily, then pulled me against him and kissed me with fury and relief, passion and ferocity.

I clung to his neck as if it were my own life source.

He held me tight, then I leaned my head against his chest, listening to his breathing calm as he stroked my wet hair.

“If you do that one more time, Katherine, I’m going to go completely insane.”

I swallowed and pulled back slowly.

“You knew I left with my father, why were you so scared?”

“Because I called you like ten times, and guess who finally answered the phone…”

“My dad?”


I raised both eyebrows in surprise as Harris sighed and pulled something out of his pocket. My phone.

“Oh, God, you were there…”

He looked at me, a little fussy.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“What did Amber tell you?”

“All kinds of shit, I didn’t care much about it, I thought I’d find you there. It’s possible she’ll file a complaint against me.”

“What, why?”

“Because I ripped the door off its hinges.”

My eyes widened.

“She had your phone but wouldn’t explain and wouldn’t open the door. She just told me to forget about you. Can you imagine what happened to me at that moment?”