He held the walkie-talkie in one hand and his gun in the other. I looked at him with anger and pain because I wanted to rip the gun out of his hand and put a bullet in his forehead.
I had trusted him. What an idiot I had been.
“Fine!” Harris relented.
I looked at him, startled. I had no idea what attack they were talking about, or what people, but I knew that wasn’t the sort of thing you told the police.
For the second time, Shane used me to catch him, and this time he succeeded. I couldn’t stop myself from walking up to him.
I slapped him without thinking about it, it was purely instinctive, even though I knew it was stupid.
“I trusted you!” I growled through my teeth as he turned his head slightly and then looked at me.
I’d hugged the asshole, he’d told me I was strong. Anger throbbed in my veins, just like Harris.
“Believe what you want, Kath, but I didn’t plan anything this time. You got yourself into trouble by going there and not listening to what I told you. I didn’t lie about convincing them to leave you alone, I knew Stone would talk to protect you.”
I felt Harris next to me before he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me away from Shane, who was watching me with curious eyes, a frown on his face again.
“What do you mean you trusted him?”
Before I could find my words, Shane grabbed him by the arm.
“You’ll find out soon enough. Your friend Wallard is still detained. I’m trying to get him to confess to what he did in this house last week.”
Great, I didn’t even want to get angry anymore, because it was clear that the situation couldn’t get any worse.
Harris seemed to snap next to me.
“In this house? What the fuck does that mean?” He looked at us both with blazing eyes, then his eyebrows came together in an expression that expressed horror and shock. “Last week… when you were avoiding me and you were scared …”
It seemed unreal, but he was shaking.
“What did he do? Baby, what happened?”
I pressed my lips together as he began to tremble. Shane tugged on his arm again, but he didn’t move, he just looked at me, desperation in his eyes.
“You can ask him yourself, leave her alone now, don’t make her tell you what she saw.”
Harris looked at him the same way he looked at me. I had a feeling he wanted to kill him for the tension, but when he read the fear in my eyes, he just nodded.
He made an effort to calm down as he hugged me.
“You’re going to be fine. Nothing will ever happen to you again, I swear, baby.”
I could feel the sincerity in his words, their weight and how much he believed them, and I held him tightly as Shane cleared his throat impatiently.
Harris looked at Adam, then at Shane.
“I’ll come with you and tell you whatever you want if you guarantee me that the informant will remain anonymous. You won’t put me on the stand. It’s up to you what you do with the information I give you.”
Shane nodded.
“And if you ever use Katherine to get to me, the next testimony I give will be about your death, and it will be a fucking long and detailed one.”
Shane clenched his jaw.