“What kind of shoot?”
“Photos. I’m a photographer,” Adam smiled as he made himself comfortable on the couch.
“No shit,” Harris commented.
I downed half a glass of Coke and Harris turned to me.
“Are you that passionate about photography, baby?”
I took another sip while I searched for my words, because that sweet tone of his didn’t fool me. He was referring to last night and the photos we had taken together.
“She’s the model,” Adam replied before I did, even though it was completely unnecessary.
Oh, for fuck’s sake! Now I was sure Harris wanted to throw the glass at his head as he growled through his teeth.
“I didn’t ask you! Shut the fuck up when she’s supposed to speak.”
I let out a deep sigh, and the way he had spoken had also… turned me on? Yes. Damn it!
I shook my head.
“It’s for college. Adam got accepted to NYU, and he has a project, um…what was it called?” I turned to him,
“Colored Dust Artists.”
“Right. He asked me for help and … since I was a so-called artist a while back, I decided to help him out.”
Harris liked the idea less and less. He downed the glass in one gulp and held back from doing God knows what.
“It won’t take long, Kath, I promise. I just need two or three good photos.”
“Now?” I replied, shocked.
Adam just nodded, seemingly embarrassed.
“Hmm, looks like I’ve found something to do for the rest of the afternoon,” Harris grinned devilishly and poured himself another glass.
What was I supposed to say?
Don’t come with us because it’s very possible you and Adam will get into a fight and I don’t want to ruin what’s just started between us?
Adam scowled and clearly did not want Harris there.
I was about to scold them both to stop frowning when the doorbell rang.
I thanked the gods in my head, I had never been so happy to hear that sound.
“Calm down,” I raised my index finger at both of them.
Adam nodded, Harris frowned at him, and I sighed again.
I walked to the door and rubbed my forehead with my fingertips. Harris growled something, but I didn’t understand him as I opened the door and thought of a strategy to get the two of them to get along, but all strategies fell flat when I saw the tall silhouette in front of me.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I muttered through my teeth.
As if I didn’t have enough problems already.
Shane raised an eyebrow and looked at me from above. I saw him in full gear for the first time, bulletproof vest over his T-shirt and his gun holstered. Combat boots, gloves, and his badge pinned to his belt.