I closed my eyes and let out a short sigh.
“Let’s go inside.”
I didn’t add anything more, and neither did they, so I signaled Adam to go ahead, and I used the few seconds to give Harris a scowl. He pretended not to notice.
Harris was as tense as an alpha male whose territory was under attack as I unlocked the door and stepped in first, barely suppressing the instinct to roll my eyes.
“Nice house, Sif,” Adam said, looking around.
I tried to relax and smiled at him.
Adam gave Harris a mischievous grin, and I was sure he’d called me that on purpose.
“It’s a nickname,” I explained quickly.
Adam just smirked, because he was sure Harris was going to ask questions later, and I really wasn’t in the mood to answer them.
“Adam, sit down. I’ll get you a drink. Harris, you come with me.”
I gave the orders and the one who didn’t follow them would get a thrashing from me, then I walked into the kitchen and my asshole of a boyfriend followed me.
I thought about attacking him once we were alone, even wanted to punch him in the shoulder, but he attacked me first as he grabbed my hips and pushed me against the wall, his breath reaching my lips.
“You have five seconds to tell me who this fucker is before I snap his neck.”
I looked at him in shock, but it was hard to stay angry when the asshole knew exactly how to touch me. The anger was evident on his face, but he was gently massaging my hips, and my brain couldn’t process that combination.
“He’s a friend,” I whispered. “Calm down, for Christ’s sake.”
“Were you two together?”
I rolled my eyes.
“No, not even for a second, so please, calm down.”
He tried, but he couldn’t. I frowned and slowly pushed him away to go to the fridge.
“It’s okay to be jealous, but please don’t overdo it,” I warned him, walking out of the kitchen with a bottle of Coke and three glasses.
Harris followed me, his body vibrating behind me as the anger inside him became static.
Adam was aware of the tension between us and stopped trying to be friendly with Harris. Judging by his face, I understood immediately that he didn’t like him.
“Did you just get here?” I asked as I busied myself with the soda.
Harris offered to open the bottle and pour it while I held glass after glass.
I wanted to kiss him and punch him at the same time. He was probably muttering curses in his head as he poured into Adam’s glass.
“This morning, but I’ve taken care of the space and everything we need for the shoot. Everything’s in place.”
Adam smiled tensely, but not because of Harris. He knew I could refuse him, since he hadn’t said anything in days.
Harris looked at him, frowning.