“I never would have found out how much I wanted you if you hadn’t brutally kept me away from you for so long.”
He touched my lips for just a second, with infinite gentleness.
“What I told you is true, baby. I have never missed anyone before, but what you did to me nearly drove me insane.”
“I know exactly what that feels. That’s why I’m here now, intent on giving you everything, because I know what it’s like without you.”
His smile slipped past my defenses and into my soul; he kissed me, then took me in his arms and walked away from the car.
“This is my favorite place,” Harris whispered before letting go of me.
I turned my head and just whimpered.
God, we were… we were on the edge of a cliff, very high above the city, which could be mistaken for a sea of lights in the distance.
Harris turned me around so I could take in the amazing view as he pressed his stomach against my back and hugged me from behind.
I looked around and could make out a few trees, but when I looked down, there was nothing but a dark void. We weren’t just far away from home, I also felt like I was in another galaxy.
I turned my head and looked at Harris, who was staring at the city, fascinated by his home. His eyes read wonder, kindness, maturity and freedom.
I knew this was the real him, the one who was holding me now, no matter how many of his faces I’d seen or how many he was still hiding, this was his real one – the real one for me – and I knew immediately that I couldn’t deny myself what I was feeling any longer, what was slowly destroying me at a devastating rate.
I was falling in love with him.
His absence and the pain of missing him had shown me just that as I had torn myself to pieces to keep away from him.
Now that I was in his arms, everything inside me had been rebuilt.
I had never felt more alive, freer, or happier than in that moment.
Maybe I wasn’t as cold as I thought.
I turned my face to the city and tried not to think of the consequences, of what would happen if I was wrong, if this was just another strategy to get what he wanted from me.
He could have done it earlier, since I’d given him my consent, but he’d stopped. For me.
I had to trust him.
I needed to trust him; I had to trust what he felt for me because I knew there would be many obstacles ahead.
Tonight he told me a little secret, but there was much more. He had told me three years ago what his job was, but he hadn’t mentioned anything about the present.
No feelings and attachments, so no pain and goodbyes. That’s what I’d brutally carved into my mind when my mother stomped all over my heart, but I knew that disappointment coming from Harris would hurt a lot more.
His coming into my life could either be a blessing or a curse.
Only time would tell.
Almost as if to block the wave of thoughts that beset my mind, he pressed his lips to mine and held me tighter in his arms as the raging storm around us only seemed to grow stronger.