I blinked in surprise, that would have meant losing the race. I just nodded, trying not to think about how bad this whole thing was going to be, considering he’d warned me about it.
He gave me another smile, then turned his face forward.
I was the only one looking at the so-called starting line. Her bra straps slid down her arms, and Harris revved the engine.
The flimsy fabric fell, and I did not have time to catch a glimpse of her breasts as I was thrown against my seat, feeling like my ribs turned into cords and knotted inside me in less than a second.
Harris sped up so much that I felt my heart rise into my throat and my heartbeat vibrate on my tongue.
“Fuck,” I muttered the first thing that came to mind, which made him laugh.
I reminded myself that we weren’t alone in the race, but I couldn’t see the others. Harris had smoked them from the start, like a demon, literally.
I smiled without wanting to, but my face changed completely as the turns began. Harris turned in such a way that I felt dizzy, and the car almost spun on the spot. The brakes held up admirably while my heart skipped a few beats. Although the belts kept me perfectly still in my seat, I could feel them digging into my flesh with every turn.
The others appeared behind us.
Harris noticed them immediately, but he didn’t make a sound, he seemed more focused than I’d ever seen him, sexier than… oh, fuck, I needed to concentrate too.
I winced in fear as we entered the city, our car darting between the others, and I heard myself making strange, fear-induced sounds. I bit my tongue to keep from screaming and distracting him.
Ken was right behind us, or so I thought. When he got a little too close, Harris noticed him too.
“Asians and your fucking drifting,” he muttered through his teeth.
I had no idea what he was referring to because I was too busy trying to stop my heart from flying out of my chest. The speed continued to pick up, and I clutched the seatbelt, clenching my fists around it and trying to keep my eyes open. The race was between Ken and Harris before Jay caught up and first place kept changing between the three of them, through sudden and dangerous turns that brought me closer and closer to a heart attack.
The lights, buildings, and people resembled lightning as we passed them.
Our speed wasn’t the most dangerous factor, the cars around us were. The honking sounded like thunder and most of them swerved to avoid us and even drove into the opposite lane. I bit my tongue as we passed between an Audi and another car, inches away from both.
Jay, crazy as he was, moved into the opposite lane and was now in line with Harris. V’s window was rolled down and I could see them laughing as Jay seemed very proud of his move.
Harris rolled down his window too, but didn’t say anything, just pointed ahead.
We all followed his gaze at the same time. The wind hit my skin and swirled my hair around my face, blocking my scream.
Curses rang out as I flinched in shock.
A truck was coming straight at them, and Jay slammed on his brakes and got behind us seconds before his green car could be turned into a pile of scrap metal. Honks took over the streets.
I turned my head to make sure they were okay as Harris laughed and rolled up his window again. He sped off, immediately leaving them behind.
We headed for a traffic light.
A red light.
“Harris…” I began to murmur, glancing at the crowd crossing the street.
God, if he were to pass between them, he’d run them over like they were skittles.
I was repeating his name in a whisper when the car suddenly turned, and I screamed.
For a moment, I had the impression that we had collided with a building. The car climbed on something, which made me jump in my seat despite the seatbelts, and then there was nothing but darkness.
I looked around and realized that we were driving in an alley between two buildings, but the space was so narrow that not even a cat could have gotten past us.
“Harris… your luck is about to pee her pants,” I admitted.