I couldn’t believe my ears and snorted in amazement and amusement.
“Man, you got some balls, asshole! You’re asking me that after you clearly stated that you still want Amber?”
He narrowed his eyes and let go of one of my hands, but only to bang on the locker next to me. I winced at the strong sound.
“Fuck, I didn’t mean it like that! I said no because…”
“Stop it,” I interrupted him angrily. “I’m done with your lies and games. I’m not one of your puppets and you’d do well to stay the fuck away from me from now on. I am serious this time. It’s over!”
I pushed him and, without waiting for anything else, moved away from him as quickly as possible. The people moved out of my way in the hallway, allowing me pass, as if they were afraid that I would hit one of them at any moment, and I would have done so. I would have punched anything just to get rid of some of the anger that was roaring in my ears.
I knew all too well what was happening to me. Months before, I had felt almost exactly the same when I had turned into an uncontrollable, destructive person. I wasn’t going to let Harris have that effect on me. He wasn’t worth it.
I walked into my class fuming with rage, and to make matters worse, I had to use the map to find the room I was supposed to be in. I tried to stay away from all prying and intrusive eyes, so I thanked God when I walked into class and didn’t find a familiar face.
Harris didn’t take me seriously. As soon as I was out, he was waiting in the hallway and wanted to talk, but I wouldn’t allow a word.
I had reached that point. The venom glass that kept collecting drops was finally full, and I didn’t want to fall into his net anymore. I had lost my mind with him like never before. Thereactions he got out of me still scared me, but that didn’t mean I was ready to become his plaything. Because that’s exactly what I had been, despite his words from the other night – which had been nothing but well thought out tricks, just like Kristen had told me – I was just a new and interesting game that he was curious to discover, nothing more.
I cursed in my head all day long. Not him, but myself, mostly for the way I’d believed him this morning and the way I’d melted for him. He talked about himself, about his tattoos and a few bits and pieces about his mother.
He had given me his contact lenses.
Sometimes I felt the need to scream, to simply howl with rage because nothing was real. He had only played with me, while my heart had melted with hope.
After second period, he didn’t insist, but he didn’t leave school either, as I had gotten used to. Even though he was annoyingly persistent sometimes, he also knew when to stop. He didn’t like being rejected in public that much, and it made no sense for me to think about the whole school talking about us like we were the most interesting TV show yet, just like Kristen said.
Zac and Candice were already sitting at our table when I sat down next to them. I’d grabbed an orange and a burger to eat something that would keep me full longer, because thanks to my addiction, I felt like shit again. I would have died before asking that asshole for anything.
Zac looked at me and smiled while Candice was busy with homework.
“Are you all r…”
Before he could finish his sentence, Kristen dropped down next to me and pushed her chair against mine, making me shake and laugh. She did that every day. Kristen didn’t know how to sit in a chair normally.
“I’m waiting for the day when a chair collapses under you, and I would happily die laughing.”
“We’re all waiting,” Zac added, and Kristen stuck her tongue out at both of us, then dug into her fries.
“I’ll tell you why I’ll die a happy woman: because that new guy is a mesmerizing sight.”
I raised an eyebrow, then remembered the conversation in the parking lot. He was from Japan, that’s what Ty had said, right?
“Is he Japanese?”
Kristen shrugged her shoulders.
“I think so, but I’m not sure. He didn’t talk in class, and Mr. Jackson didn’t ask him to introduce himself. He’s like a dark and smokin’ hot version of a K-pop star. Have I mentioned that I’m obsessed with K-pop? I have, haven’t I?”
I started laughing.
“You left out this extremely important fact about yourself. Aren’t those guys Korean?” I checked.
“I said he’s a version, pay attention to the details, princess,” she raised an eyebrow and I laughed again.
I looked around the cafeteria, but I didn’t see a dark version of a K-pop star…. whatever that meant in Kristen’s mind.
“I don’t even want to think about the fact that he came to school in a fucking Lamborghini. I’m about to start crying here from loneliness.”