“They’re the stars of this place, the group no one dares bother. They think they’re great and it’s only because they take part in illegal races, party in run-down garages and get high on drugs. They’re scum,” Zac described them, seemingly disgusted.
I watched him for a second. He talked about them as if they were some kind of lunatics, but given the cars they drove, I couldn’t imagine calling them that. Only the Vantablack color on that car probably cost more than my house.
“The so-called leader of the group is that guy, Harris,” Zac pointed to the one who had caught my attention.
He used his last name, so he probably didn’t like him much. Usually, people used last names when talking about people they did not like.
Judging by the frown on Zac’s face, it was something personal.
“Harris,” Candice whispered, mesmerized by his image. At least I wasn’t the only one.
“Yes. Harris Stone, but they call himthe demon. He is the street demon,” Zac continued, not even trying to hide his hostility.
I turned my head “Wait, his first name is Harris?” I asked, unsure.
Zac nodded.
I glanced again at the boy – or rather, the man – who was letting the thirsty blonde pet him. Harris was a name I usually heard as a surname. His real surname and nickname matched his looks perfectly.
“People say he was named that because his mom loves birds,” Kris said, almost laughing.
I frowned in confusion, “What’s that got to do with it?”
“I have no idea, it’s stupid,” she shrugged her shoulders and giggled.
Chris gave Kris an annoyed look, and I would have bet a hundred dollars that he knew more about what she thought was stupid – even though I couldn’t find any connection between his name and a love of birds. When you don’t like someone, you tend to make up a bunch of crap about that person. Maybe his name was Harrison and he shortened it.
I watched the way he treated the girl next to him – or on top of him - and they didn’t seem to be in a relationship. He was just having fun with her body. She looked more like a piece of jewelry than a significant other. A guy who looked and acted like him could not possibly be in love with his girlfriend. Shortly afterwards, he pushed her away from him and threw her aside like a used handkerchief, which didn’t seem to bother her. She was probably used to it.
When he was finally alone, he turned his attention to one of his friends, whose hair was blonder than mine and was styled in thick, long spikes. He was tattooed too, and shorter.
Harris… or the demon had his arms crossed over his chest, making his muscles look bigger than they were. The guy next to him had probably said something that amused him.
My friends returned to their conversation, but Candice and I continued to stare. I was trying to figure out what they were saying, annoyed at my curiosity.
Suddenly, his grin disappeared, and seriousness spread across his features. Had he heard something unpleasant? He seemed to see through his friend for a second, then his head turned to me at warp speed.
And with that, my fate was sealed.
The direct contact with his eyes gave me an electric shock – a real shock for my whole body because every hair on my arms stood on end.
I hadn’t expected that. He wasn’t supposed to notice me. I was the invisible one, but his gaze proved that he could see me very well, and the air caught in my throat again as I was unable to move a muscle. I desperately wanted to look away, but his hypnotizing eyes wouldn’t allow it. They were capable of causing an implosion and he wasn’t even that close.
Look at Candice, look at Candice. I prayed, but to no avail.
I allowed him a few seconds to study me like everyone else. I was new, so curiosity was a normal reaction. But then he was supposed to look away and look at his shiny blonde, who was now too busy checking her makeup to notice that her boyfriend had exceeded the appropriate amount of time for observing a stranger.
I think I’d just found out who the hottest guy in school was, and of course, nothing sexy came without danger.