Harris took my hand in his and pulled me close.
“I would have gotten out of it because they wouldn’t have found any incriminating evidence, but it would have been harder and more frustrating. Iolanda also testified in my favor, but you were the one who closed my case.”
The whole thing seemed almost ridiculous to me because I hadn’t even made my statement officially at a police station,either in writing or in front of a camera. This proved that Shane Walker didn’t really believe Harris was guilty of this crime, but that he only had a glimmer of hope of dragging Harris into a much deeper hole. He’d tried through me, but having gotten nowhere, he’d just given up. It was almost divine luck that none of my neighbors’ testimonies could help him.
“That detective seemed intent on catching you.”
He frowned suddenly.
“Did Walker speak to you directly?”
I nodded, and Harris cursed through his teeth.
“That son of a bitch is a thorn in my side. Don’t ever talk to him again without a warrant.”
His sudden anger didn’t surprise me; I’d already suspected their relationship. Harris looked at me, a shocked smile on his face.
“I can’t believe you managed to trick him. He can be very persistent when he wants something.”
I shrugged my shoulders.
“I’m also very persistent when I want to protect someone.” I took the paper out of my pocket and unfolded it. “He even left me a present.”
Harris took it from my hand and looked at it for a moment, then crumpled it in his fist and threw it away. He didn’t seem particularly shocked that he was being followed and photographed.
He stood in front of me again and dominated me with his tall stature.
“I don’t want…” he broke off in mid-sentence and turned his head towards the door.
I immediately heard footsteps in the corridor.
I let out a startled breath,
Oh, God, that was the last thing I needed. When had my father returned? I looked at Harris, despair in my eyes, almostbegging him to leave, but he only seemed amused at the look on my face.
“If my father catches you in here, I’m dead,” I whimpered.
“Why? After all, I’m the father of your child.”
I narrowed my eyes in annoyance. I couldn’t believe he would say something like that at a time like this.
“That’s not funny, Harris. You have to go,” I whispered.
“It’s much harder to go down than it is to climb up the ladder,” he whispered back, grabbing my hand reassuringly before I could start walking up and down the room.
I froze when I heard the knock on my door.
“Katherine, you’re not asleep, honey?”
I closed my eyes and searched my mind for a lie.
“No, I’m just doing my homework,” I tried to sound as serious as possible.
I heard Harris chuckling in my ear and pressed my palm to his mouth.
“So late? Aren’t you tired?” my dad continued.
I had to get rid of him, especially since Harris wouldn’t help me and lowered his hands to my back, placing them on my butt and pinching me. I hit him on the shoulder with my other hand, but that didn’t calm him down.