With ragged breath, I took the phone back and called him again as quickly as I could, but this time it didn’t ring, and the robot’s voice made my heart explode with fear.
What had happened to him?
“Katherine, what happened?” they both asked this time.
I wasn’t sure if I should tell them or not.
“Nothing, um, I need to use the restroom.”
I walked past them, then left the room and went to the restroom in the hallway.
I filled my hands with water and then splashed my face. I looked at my horrified expression in the mirror. The thought that something bad might have happened to him scared me more than usual. Whatever this boy was, whatever he was planning to do to me, the fact that something terrible might havehappened was stronger than that, and for a moment I stopped trying to find an explanation for my feelings.
When I returned to my room, I tried to call him again, but I couldn’t reach him.
After a while, Kristen and Candice stopped asking questions and decided to leave. I was still parallel to everything that was going on around me. I didn’t care about the screaming doll as I brought my knees up to my chest on the bed and thought about what I had heard. I even thought about going to the hospital and asking if he had come to the emergency room.
He lived in a fucking neighborhood where people shot each other without much reason.
I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about him, and now it was even worse than the afternoon because the gunshot was imprinted on my mind.
A slight knock interrupted my thoughts and made me look up from my knees.
When I saw Harris on the other side of my balcony door, I whimpered.
I immediately jumped out of bed and ran towards him, then opened the balcony door for him. I had no idea when I had closed it, probably Candice and Kristen had done it.
I stepped out onto the balcony, into the cool night air, and when I saw him in front of me, safe and unharmed, I couldn’t suppress the urge to jump into his arms. I buried my face in his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. He quickly grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him.
“Shh…” he tried to calm me down and breathed warm air on the top of my head. “Katherine, what happened?”
I backed away and stared at him.
“What happened?! I almost died of fright! What do you think happens when a person hears freaking shots fired on the other end of a call?”
He smiled, but I could tell it was a forced smile.
“I was just in the middle of a video game with the guys, love. I’m sorry I didn’t answer, but we are pretty involved when we play.”
Startled, I disentangled myself from his arms. I was worried sick, and he was fucking playing?!
God, how I wanted to slap him again. I could barely suppress the urge.
“You’re a moron! Stop that stupid thing and get out of my house.”
He looked at me, regret sparkling in his eyes, then grabbed my arms, my elbows resting in his palms. My palms nestled against his chest without my consent.
“I’m sorry,” he whispered.