Mister leaned one palm against the desk, bent down, and looked at the screen.Judge Gloversat in the first position under the headingFinal Christmas Light Show Winners: Thanks for voting!
“You’re in first place,” Mister confirmed. He reached over and moved the mouse to the arrow wrapping around itself. He clicked to reload the website, and when it came back up—in less time that it took to breathe in, thanks to June’s stellar network—Judge still sat in first place.
“This is incredible,” Mister said, straightening. He couldn’t stop smiling, and he’d never been prouder of Judge. “Congratulations, Judge. You’ve worked so hard for this.”
In that moment, he realized why Judge looked close to tears. No, he wouldn’t get a check in the mail for winning. He wouldn’t get more than his name on that website. He wouldn’t get mobbed in the streets by people asking for his autograph.
What the win represented was years of hard work. Years of not giving up. Years of determination, dedication, and grit. Judge had tried different things over the years, but this year, he’d really been unique. He’d ignored all the conventional Christmas decorations, and he’d put his show online.
He’d found a way to get people up to the ranch without them having to make the drive.
“I have to call June,” he said, rushing out of the office.
“You haven’t called June?” Mister called after him. “Who were you on the phone with then?”
“Bear,” Judge called. “He called me, because he saw it before I did.”
Mister looked around the office, feeling a bit lost. Surely the family would have another big shindig to help Judge celebrate this win, and Mister didn’t want to miss it. He didn’t want to drive back to Oklahoma City and Winterhaven, the farm where he’d been working for over six months.
He was due back before six, though, and it took over four hours to make the drive.Maybe I can talk them into doing a luncheon, he thought as he also hurried out of the office and back into the bedroom.
Tell everyone, Judge had said.
Bear had probably texted on the family string, and Mister needed to make sure his voice got heard before he missed out.
Chapter Nine
Judge pulled up to the homestead, and June said, “Looks like we’re last.”
“It’s fine,” Judge said. Nothing could touch his mood today. He had imagined winning the light show, but this feeling of complete disbelief and radiant joy hadn’t been there.
“Everyone’s here, aren’t they?” she asked.
“I imagine so,” Judge said, watching the house.
“How long are we going to sit out here, then?”
He turned toward her and found her grinning. “You’ve worked for this for so long.” She leaned toward him, and he automatically did the same for her. She touched her lips to hers, and everything in the world aligned.
He had the most amazing woman in the world. A family he loved and who loved him. And the Three Rivers Christmas light show trophy.
“I’m so proud of you,” she murmured. “Your show was spectacular, and the wedding was amazing, and if we don’t go in soon, Mister is going to come out here and drag us inside.”
Judge grinned and kissed her again. He took a few extra seconds, because kissing his fiancée seemed to move the axis of the Earth every time he did it.
He finally pulled away. “All right,” he drawled. “Let’s go in.” He got out of the truck and went around to open the door for June. She slid to the ground and put her hand in his. They walked down the sidewalk and up the steps together, and Judge half-expected someone to open the front door before he got there.
They didn’t, and he got the job done. He paused, because a red carpet had been laid on the floor, and he wasn’t sure he should step on it.
Something else was terribly wrong…. “It’s too quiet,” he said, glancing toward the kitchen. He couldn’t see it, because of the flocked Christmas tree with all the crocheted ornaments on it.
His heart swelled at the sight of the angel tree, and he felt the presence of his father, Uncle Bull, and Grandmother.
“I did it, Grandmother,” he murmured.
June’s hand in his tightened, and in the next moment, an enormous yell filled the house.
“Congratulations!” every single Glover yelled in unison. Applause and cheering filled the air, and Bear stepped forward to pull him onto the red carpet.