Several years ago…
As I stood before our people, knowing they expected me to call the name of my chosen mate, I forced my emotions down and held myself before them with my lips pressed firmly together. My gaze landed on the male I would have chosen, a handsome, young man who had been courting me for a while, blushing at the dirty thoughts that filled my mind of what the two of us could have done with one another. I swallowed, knowing it could never be as my father drifted up next to me.
I bowed to him as he came to a stop, his lips pressing proudly to my forehead in a way that I knew he only did for show in front of our people. He didn’t speak, and a flicker of hope built within me as I stared down at my choice again. Maybe I’d get to choose my mate after all.
With my attention on him, a blush crawling up my neck, I said, “I choose?—”
“—My daughter, Princess Talia, will be choosing Proteus, God of the Deep Sea,” my father interrupted my words, his voice booming out across the throne room.
My gaze fell from the man I would have chosen for myself, and I focused on the smooth, stone tile below as I traced the lines. My jaw clenched and unclenched as the chamber became eerily quiet. This grand room held an elegance to it, but in this moment, it had stolen my will, my choice, my hope. As I glanced up at those gathered before us, anger ignited in the pit of my stomach as pity flashed behind my peoples’ eyes.
I’d known he would choose for me, but I hadn’t realized his choice would be so cruel. I turned my attention toward him, my chin tilting upward to meet his gaze, unable to mask the disappointment held within my stare.
“Consequences, Daughter,” he said low enough for only me to hear.
With the choice made for me, the ceremony concluded and, soon after, the throne room cleared. The man I would have chosen lingered but left realizing I wouldn’t have a chance to speak with him without the watchful gaze of my father. I hadn’t had a chance to warn him before the ceremony had begun, and now guilt hung heavy within my heart because he’d been just as blindsided as I had been. Eventually, only Proteus remained, and my father left to his chambers.
Proteus’ stooped form stood in the center of the grand throne room, the old and withered fish tail of his resting along the pristine tiles as if he couldn’t bear his own weight within the water. He grinned up at me through blackened teeth, and I smiled politely back at him as my stomach churned with the sight of his chipped front tooth. He was an ancient man, with an odd, fat tail and deep crevices that cut paths through his face like the deepest canyons in the sea. Yet, as he looked at me, it was asif there was pity behind his tired eyes, and I found it difficult to hold his stare, turning toward the exit instead.
Proteus and I made our way to Siren Island, where all siren went once a year as they gained their legs for the mating ritual. The island sat not far off from where Atlantis was located deep beneath the sea. Proteus, often referred to as ‘old man,’ swam next to me silently. Neither of us speaking to the other as we left the city for the island above.
This was supposed to be a happy occasion, a freeing one, but instead, I felt as if I’d been sold off, bargained away, and used. I had told my father I was too young to rule Atlantis for his lengthy visits away, that I didn’t want the responsibility. Those deaths should never have been my responsibility, and this should never have been my consequence to bear.
We came to the shore of Siren Island, beaching ourselves on the rocky shallows as the magic took hold of our tails. Proteus had experienced this before, but for me, this would be the first time I saw my legs. Water frothed around my tail, roiling angrily around my scales and hiding them from sight for several long seconds. When the water calmed, smooth naked skin took the place of my once magnificent tail.
Proteus stood, his pale legs only bare from the knee down. I sat within the water still, my ass in the sand below the surface as I stared up at him. He wore a simple pair of shorts that he couldn’t have been wearing before, shorts I knew did not cover my own unmentionables. I simply lifted a brow, flicking a glance to the piece of clothing and then back up to his eyes.
“Just use your mind to envision the clothing. Your awakening power should be able to conjure them into existence,” he said simply, the silver light of the moon casting a soft glow against his pale, rounded belly.
I let my eyes drift closed and did what he said, picturing a simple black, form-fitting pair of shorts into place. The waterfrothed around my waist once more and, seconds later, I felt something hug my lower limbs tightly. My fingers prodded the fabric at my hips, and a pleasant sense of victory made me smile before I remembered why I was here.
Proteus lowered his hand, offering me help to my newfound feet. I placed my fingers into his weathered hold, letting him pull me to my legs as my stance wobbled, unbalanced and unused to standing on two legs rather than swimming within the deep waves. He guided me further along the beach, each step slow and purposeful as I relished the feeling of sand between my toes. My gaze swept the island I’d spent the past year dreaming of coming to with my chosen mate, the ocean to our backs as the waves kissed the land like a tease that ebbed and flowed.
I stumbled a few times before I gained the strength and balance to proceed without support from Proteus, and he let me go so that I could enjoy these first moments of having my legs. The air swept through the island with the salty scent of the sea, its cold touch blowing lengths of my hair from where I’d let it hang over my bare breasts. The scales along my skin had faded, and even with the clothing I’d envisioned around my waist, I felt bare beneath the starry night.
“Listen,” I began, turning to face Proteus and gasping in shock, the rest of my words suddenly forgotten as my jaw hung open.
Proteus no longer stood behind me, at least, not the Proteus I expected, the one I’d arrived here with. Now, in his place, stood a young, tall, muscular man with sable hair and piercing blue eyes. The wrinkles and spots of age no longer marred his skin, only smooth, clear skin remained. My eyes drifted to the bulging muscles of his arms, the lines cutting through his chest, the v dipping below the waistband of his simple shorts.
“I feel that I have stolen your voice,” he teased, his grin showing brilliant, straight teeth. Even the chipped front tooth nolonger winked within his smile as he stared at me through an amused expression.
My head tilted as I looked upon him. There was something different about him, more so than simply his age. A certain kindness in his expression that had made me pause. My brow wrinkled as I stuttered, my voice unsure as I replied, “You’re not old.”
My eyes grazed his smooth skin, the corded muscle that rippled with his movements. His form more manly than the young male I’d originally chosen.
He chuckled. “My eyes are up here.”
My gaze snapped up to meet his, catching the amused glimmer within the blue of his eyes. I crossed my arms over my chest, pressing into the flesh of my breasts as I lifted my chin. “I’m aware of that.” I waved my hand to indicate his young form. “Why pretend?”
“Have you met the god of the sea lately?” He shrugged, offering me his arm in a silent invitation.
I looped my pale arm through his and joined him as he led us through the beach, wriggling my toes in the sand with every step. I couldn’t get enough of the feel of it shifting between my toes. We walked along the shore a short distance until we came to a clear beach with white sand. He lowered himself into the sand, stretching his legs out in front of him as he looked up at where I still stood.
“You might as well join me,” he said with a long sigh.
I didn’t budge. “You’re not going to just…” I trailed off, swallowing the rest of the words that lodged within my throat.
“What?” he said with a weak laugh. “I’m not just going to throw you down and force myself upon you, taking something you’re not ready to give?”