“We are almost there.” Talia turned to look at me as we’d stopped in an alcove, her aquamarine eyes glittering as the wind picked up. Strands of raven colored hair blew across her face, and I itched to brush it aside for her.

The cave was still a short distance away, but the palm trees lining the alcove provided a barrier that had me feeling emboldened. Before she could back away from me, I closed the distance between us, placing my hands on either side of her face as I held her gaze to mine. Our breaths mingled and then I kissed her with every emotion I’d felt in the past weeks, the emotions I’d never thought I’d feel again. The want, the desire, the need. Things I’d long since thought dead or found myself incapable of feeling within my wicked, black heart. Perhaps even demons could want and need.

Our lips melded together, a heat building within me that I didn’t think I’d be able to cool as I stared into her wide blinking gaze. I held onto her, pulling away only just slightly as my lips moved against hers. “One more time,” I begged. We had this one last night to pretend we had forever before us, before it all ended, and we were forced to let each other go.

Talia backed up, her gaze traveling every plane of my face as she bit her lower lip. I watched every emotion play over her telling face. Watched the war she fought within herself just the same as the one I’d waged within myself. I knew life for a siren beneath the ocean was a dangerous existence, and there was no place for emotions there. Yet, now as she stared at me, I understood why she had rejected me. I made her feel something that I knew she hated… vulnerable.

I watched her body relax as she said, “Fine.” She stepped forward, her fingertips dragging along the line of my jaw. “But try not to get too attached.” The way she had said it made it seem as though she were warning herself just as much as she was warning me.

I couldn’t think about her warning now. I didn’t want to think about anything other than the fact that my monster, my vicious little siren, had said yes. Closing the distance between us, I captured her lips once again, tearing my shirt over my head at the same time she tore her clothing from herself. The thin material seemed to evaporate from our bodies as we wrapped ourselves around each other, our skin colliding together as a heat burned within us both.

Her fingers trailed a slow, electrifying path down my chest, around my hips, as she traveled the hard distance of my abs with her tongue. She didn’t drop my gaze as her hold danced around the base of my cock, sending me wild as she guided me to a nearby palm tree. It was as if every desire was set free between us as her hand curled around my throbbing cock, her kiss gentlealong the tip before she consumed my entire length in her heated mouth.

My back slid down the roughened bark of the tree as we lowered ourselves to the ground. A groan escaped me as her tongue swirled along my shaft, drawing me into her as her fingers grazed my thighs, my abdomen, my chest. She pulled her mouth up my length, her tongue drawing a light touch along my stomach until her mouth captured mine.

My fingers fisted around her hips, and I positioned her beneath me, smiling down at her naked beauty as she stretched her arms above her head, her gaze glittering with want and invitation as I pulled the peak of her breast into my mouth. I positioned myself until the very tip of my cock played at her entrance, feeling her warmth and her desire as it coated me. Her body arched, urging me to claim her.

Our hips rocked together, a steady rhythm that built in heat and momentum as we lost ourselves in each other’s embraces and kisses. Both of us pouring our need into the other, knowing our time together was limited. Her heated folds enveloped me as her muscles tightened and released around my thick length in perfect rhythm.

My desire surged, but I held back. With each breathless moan and quiver, I knew I brought her closer to that endless wave of ecstasy. I watched, my cock twitching, as she exploded with pleasure. Her hold on me clenching, driving me over the edge with her, so close to my own release that it was almost painful.

“Look at me, Talia,” I demanded, and her gaze snapped to mine, her breath heaving from her with every one of my thrusts. With every collision of our hips, I felt myself closer and closer to the edge of release.

She gave me a catlike smirk as she unsheathed her claws, drawing them down my chest in a light line of red that bloomedalong my skin. The mix of pain with pleasure took over, and I pounded harder into her. Her cries echoed mine until we both exploded into heated stars as the waves of pleasure cascaded around us. I remained inside of her, riding the ecstasy of her throbbing muscles around my cock as our mouths melded together in a kiss.

It wasn’t a ravenous kiss, but a tender one. A soft and exploring one that spoke of feelings neither of us wanted to admit yet. As we lay within each other’s embrace, I knew when she left that it would leave me broken, and the heart that I had always thought was black, would darken even more so.

Chapter 34

The Stale Air

The Siren

Ishouldn’t have given in to his words, but I could recall the way his hold had felt and the heat of his breath as it grazed my skin, and he’d been right. All of this would be over soon, and sirens were lustful by nature. Enjoying this man couldn’t be all bad, could it?

The last rays of the sun dipped below the horizon as the moon lifted into the sky. Waiting until nightfall hadn’t been our intention, but the light of the sun wouldn’t reach where we headed anyway. We crossed the rest of the beach in silence, the waves lashing violently against the stones that led to the entrance of Scylla’s cave. The sharpened points glittered like bits of magic beneath the silver moonlight, a stark contrast to what I knew we’d find inside.

We followed the rocky path until it turned into narrow steps that descended to the bottom of the cave. The high tide met the entrance, coating the smooth stone stairway and making it slick. One wrong step and we’d find ourselves tumbling down the rocksteps until we found ourselves splayed out in a bruised mess at the bottom.

Neither of us spoke as we traveled downward, knowing our voices would echo throughout the cave. When we came to the bottom of the narrow steps, our feet landed in water that lifted to our knees, creating a splash that traveled the length of the cavern. I felt the itch as my scales burned through my skin, my legs threatening to transform into my tail having sensed the saltwater we stood in. I clamped my jaw tight, denying the transformation as we moved through the shallow water.

Looking sideways at Kipp, his gaze seemed fixed ahead, concentrating on searching for the infamous creature who lived within this cavern when she wasn’t guarding the narrow Strait of Messina. As we walked on in silence, it occurred to me that surprising her would not be the wisest idea. The odds were against us either way.

Scylla was known for not caring who you were. As soon as she realized she’d been disturbed, she’d bash you into the rocks like a boneless eel, or she’d drown you as she laughed down at your writhing form, watching the life as it faded from your eyes. Even sirens knew to avoid this area. Yet, one thing might see us through this with our lives intact.

As we pressed forward, I sang. A soulful song that told the story of the monster, of Scylla, who had once been an ocean nymph who had been turned into this vile form she’d been trapped within even now. My siren call lifted around us as I sang the story of how Scylla had fallen in love with a sea god, how the sea witch had become jealous of that love, and how she’d turned Scylla into this hideous monster so that she could keep Glaucus all to herself. I turned the song around, telling her how the sirens had been cursed as well, and how our pasts entwined our futures, painting a tale of revenge and redemption as I called for her help claiming it all.

Every step took us deeper, the water level dropping as the cave traveled at a slight incline through the cliffside. The moonlight faded at our backs, and both of us, creatures of the darkness, easily saw through the shadows as our eyes adjusted. Still, as my gaze searched the depths ahead, I couldn’t see her. It wasn’t until we’d taken the final step out of the water onto a platform of dry rock that she appeared, whipping out of the shadows to tower over us as she barked and snarled at our approach.

“Scylla,” I called out, no longer singing. “We have come to help you.”

My chin tilted toward the ceiling of the cavern as I stared wide-eyed up at her. She stood at least twelve feet tall, and she’d retained at least some of her original form as she glared down upon us with a somewhat normal face. Though her eyes were oversized and entirely black, like bottomless pits that only saw foes. The snarling yapping jaws of six vicious dog heads ringed her waist, all of them chomping at the air between us as if they could taste my blood on the stale air. In lieu of legs, massive sickly gray tentacles writhed beneath her. She studied us as dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, layered over her naked flesh while six massive snake heads rose behind her, each attached to her spine and hissing as they bared rows of sharpened teeth.

Scylla ignored my words, and with a low, guttural growl that twisted her lips into a snarl, one of her tentacles shot out before I could react, slamming my body into a pool of stagnant sea water. She turned from me, her movements far too quick for her monstrous size. I leapt from the water, its stench and slime coating me as I placed myself in front of Kipp. Two of her closest dog heads snapped at my throat, and I felt the sting of sharp viper teeth piercing the skin of my shoulder. I gritted my teeth against the pain.

“Don’t you want revenge?” Kipp yelled as he sidestepped from behind me, his hands lifted into the air as if he weren’t a threat.

I watched her gaze track his movements; saw the way she licked her lips as if his bones would make a fine toothpick. I reacted before I even knew what I was doing, my palms splayed against the brow of her closest dog as I shoved hard and fast, using every ounce of strength until her back slammed into the cave wall. I dodged away from the snake heads before they could close their maws around me, leaving them hissing at the air in my wake.