I knew my eyes filled with that darkness, I’d seen it happen several times over the years when this curse flared to life within my chest. I stared at her, relishing the way she recoiled slightly from me. Then she shocked me, lifting her chin in challenge as if saying I see your darkness and match it with my own. The image of her taking that last bite of the still beating heart of a man I knew she’d seduced into loving her made the darkness within me grin. It didn’t see that moment through disgust. Instead, it wanted to know if her bloodied lips would taste like the sea.
Gods, she must be putting a spell on me. I leaned back in the chair and took a deep breath as that darker part of me demanded I share that bed with her, demanded I find out exactly how those lips tasted. It wanted to hear her demand more from me, it wanted my name cried from her lips. My fingers gripped the arms of the chair, locking me into place as we watched each other.
This creature, this beautiful woman in front of me, was going to be the death of me. She would either bring me to my end, or she would bring me to my knees. And I didn’t know if I cared which at this point.
Chapter 17
The First Challenge
The Pirate
Muffling a groan, I stood from the chair and pushed those dark thoughts swirling within my mind away. Her scent, salty like the sea mixed with the floral scent of sea orchids, was heavy in the air between us, intoxicating. I turned my back to her, shifting myself as I felt myself harden. I dragged my hands down my face with a sigh, feeling her tense gaze between my shoulder blades.
“I didn’t curse you, if that is what you are wondering,” I admitted, my words directed at the wall as I kept my gaze averted from her. I didn’t know what spell she could weave over me, the lure of a siren was dangerous. I dropped my hands to my sides. “What harm comes to me will befall you as well.” I showed her my forearm, where my skin had torn as she’d jumped through my cabin’s window. It was already nearly mended to the point only a raw, red line remained. “We are bound so, as you see, you need me as much as I need you right now. If you want out of this,” I said, with a wave of my hand to indicate us, this ship, this situation between us. “You will need to help me.”
“What do you want from me?” she demanded again, her words coming from her clenched jaw with barely restrained rage.
I turned then, watching her body coil in on itself, her hands wrapping tightly around her lifted knees until her grip turned white. It was as if she were physically holding herself back from retaliating. Any harm she inflicted would do her no good anyway.
“I just need you to come with me. I need a siren to break through the protection spells of the island. I need the sea witch to break this curse, and I need your help to find her. She has evaded my every advance. With you, I will finally be able to confront her and demand a release from the curse that holds me.” I sighed, shoving my hands into my pockets to keep them from fidgeting. “Do that, and then you are free to go.”
She’d be able to leave, but she would be bound to me until the day I would die naturally, at least that’s what the witch who sold me the compass and spell had told me. Which, luckily for her, once the curse was broken, wouldn’t be all that long in terms of her long lifespan. Mortals only lived a matter of years. Then she’d be free once and for all, and I’d live the rest of my years content, finally able to fill the endless void of want and desire within me.
“That’s all you need?” she asked as her gaze went distant. She let out a frustrated sigh as she settled her chin to her knees. “This is inconvenient. You have no idea what you put yourself in the middle of, what you’ve done…”
I had an idea, but the less she knew about what I knew… I knew she held royal blood, knew the queen hadn’t been ruling for ages. I could do the math. I’d caught up to her as she had been performing her rite of passage ritual, claiming her siren heritage, and I’d captured her before she could return, where Iassumed she’d meant to claim the siren throne. I kept my face blank, wincing slightly as if to agree with her.
“Yes,” I lied, crossing the room to peer out my now-broken window. I’d have to get that fixed soon. I didn’t enjoy the spittle of sea that would dampen my space every time the boat rocked toward the sea. “I understand it may hinder your plans, whatever they may be, but, unfortunately, it couldn’t be helped.”
She let out an aggravated exhale as she let her legs flop back to the floor. Her lip practically curled as she glanced up at me, her fingers twisting into the fabric of my bed as she said, “I suppose I have no choice but to help you then. If for no other reason than to be rid of you.” A vicious smile crested her lips as she added, her tone low and husky, “But just so we are clear…” She paused, dragging her tongue over her sharpened teeth one-by-one. “…I will be feasting on your heart at my earliest opportunity.”
I leaned forward until just a breath separated us. “If you want to claim my heart, you’re going to have to try harder than that.” I let my gaze travel up and down her form. “In the meantime, I’m happy to eat anything you’d like.”
She jerked backward, the first real look of shock crossing her features as she gasped, “I didn’t say you could eat anything!”
I let my gaze linger longer. “Oh?” I said, a hunger growing within me at the reaction I was receiving. “But I bet you taste really good. Like nectar of the gods themselves.” I lifted my attention back to her eyes. Enjoying the flush my words caused her as I winked. “Now, don’t be rude. What’s your name? I’ve already told you mine.”
It had been a long time since I’d desired another. Every warm body that had shared my bed over the past several decades had left me feeling emptier and wanting in ways that no longer felt worth it. Anything I wanted would be mine, but the ease in that consumption made it all feel so worthless. This creature,this beautiful creature before me, presented me with the first challenge I’d faced in as long as I could remember. It made me hungry for more, and I craved this new game forming between us like a vital breath of air to a drowning man.
A blush creeped along her flesh and her fingertips roamed her heated skin as a frown tugged at her lips. She slammed a fist into the mattress at her side. “Stupid human body!”
I smirked, pleased at her obvious reaction to me.
“Stop it!” she snapped.
“Stop what?” My smirk grew as she squirmed in front of me. I relaxed into the chair next to the bed again, leaning back as I allowed the relief to settle within me. I’d convinced her to help me, and it felt good.
She pressed her red lips together as if she didn’t want to share her name with me. With the fight spent from her, she looked to me again. “Swear another blood oath.”
“For what?” I asked, steepling my fingers as I watched her.
She leaned forward, the blanket dipping from around her shoulders, her thin chemise still damp and hugging her like a second skin. The water had left it nearly transparent, and my gaze slipped to the pinkish hue of her nipple. I lifted my leg and crossed them, feeling myself harden at the sight. She growled, her fingers lifting the blanket back into place around her shoulders.
“Because,” she gritted out through her teeth, “names hold power in my world.”
I pulled the dagger from my hip again, and she didn’t flinch this time, expecting the movements and the weapon. I pricked the freshly healed wound on my thumb, letting the blood well before I put the dagger back. “By the seas and by my blood, I promise I will not share or use your given name to do you harm. If I do, may the god of the seas, Poseidon, strike me down.”
She tensed as Poseidon’s name passed my lips, her nostrils flaring as the muscles in her neck corded as if it took great effort to swallow back her anger. Her face and expressions were so easy to read, I wondered if she knew just how easy.