I rushed over and checked her pulse, relieved to find it weak but steady. My crew had already secured the cargo ship's crew on deck, their captain standing in the center of them all. Gathering the woman in my arms, I made my way up to the top deck to tend to her injuries and contemplate her cryptic message.
My gaze fell upon the emaciated forms of the women who had been held captive under the ship, their once vibrant bodies now gaunt and lifeless. Memories of my own childhood abuse and confinement flooded me, sparking a fire of anger and disgust within me.
As I turned to face the crew responsible for these atrocities, I could feel my blood boiling. They lounged in their seats, bellies full and faces content, as if they hadn't just committed heinous acts against innocent people.
"Captain, what shall we do with them?" Patton, my first mate asked, his voice laced with bravado.
I shrugged nonchalantly. "The same thing we always do with vermin found on our ship—throw them into the sea."
I relished the fear that crept into their eyes as my crewmates began to carry out my orders, but then Camilla, one of my own crew members, spoke up. “What about a few of them that are new to the ship? Should we let them go?” Camilla asked as she stared at a boy no more than fifteen.
I glared at her, my tone sharp and unyielding. "Did they know about these women?" Without waiting for an answer, I turned to face the youngest member of their crew.
"Did you know?" I demanded, my voice cold and unforgiving.
He nodded timidly. "Yes, sir. But I was hungry. You see?—"
"There is no excuse," I cut him off. I motioned for Camilla to come closer before revealing a malicious grin. "We'll save this one for last."
I watched as each crew member was checked to make sure both their arms and feet were securely tied before the crew began hauling them overboard. The women who had been tied below watched with grim satisfaction at the justice being made for them.
One by one, each crew member met their end in the deep, dark waters. Only the captain and a young boy remained. As I approached the women standing on the deck, they straightened their posture and looked at me with determination. In my outstretched hand, I held a sharp dagger, offering it to one of them. The redheaded seer stepped forward and took the dagger from me, ready to make her choice. She’d lost consciousness briefly after sharing her vision, but as soon as we’d come into the fresh air on deck, she’d begun to rouse.
"I left the best for you," I said with a wicked grin. "You must choose what to do with these two. Will you allow the boy to live?"
She hesitated, then admitted, "He was kind to us."
I nodded towards him as my men pulled him to his feet. "The dagger is for him," I explained. "Each of you deserves your pound of flesh. Just keep him alive long enough for his blood to draw in the predators before he takes his last breath." My grin grew wider as I lowered my voice for only them to hear. "We'll even cut his ties so he thinks he has a chance. A little hope before they tear him apart."
The seer nodded and stepped forward towards the captain, gripping the dagger tightly in her palm. She held her head high as she stood before him, ready to exact her revenge.
"You took something from me," she declared, her voice strong and unwavering. "And I'll never get it back. For that, you deserve to be tortured in Tartarus for all eternity." With a swiftmotion, she ran the dagger across his face, creating a deep slice that poured blood onto the wooden planks below.
Then she turned to the next woman and each one of them cut him somewhere, just deep enough to bleed him.
I turned to look out at the sea, my gaze going to where the bodies were now sinking, the deep red barely visible where the bodies had already begun to be consumed. He wouldn’t make it far and that made me feel far more satisfied than it should. The violent nature of this revenge abating the darkness within me as I watch the deaths below. I turned as the last female made her cut and then, with one slice, my men still holding him, I cut his ties.
“Let me go, I have money. I can pay you in riches you’ll never imagine,” he finally stated as real fear clouded his early vigor. It was an empty offer. I’d already laid claim to everything of his that held any worth.
I laughed. “I have everything I could ever want and more and yet none of it makes me happy. But you know what will give me joy?” My gaze turned dark and my voice deadly. “Watching as these women receive their vengeance.”
I let the shadows collect in my eyes as he flinched. He tried to break free in his terror. It only made my grin grow. I slammed my hands into his back, and he went overboard. I waited for him to resurface before I called down to him.
“That island right there.” I pointed west. “You might survive this still if you reach it. Though, I’d swim fast if I were you.”
The captain began to move his arms and legs as fast as he could as he swam with everything he had. A shadow from below began to move towards him fast before a fin hit the surface, slicing through the waters like a knife going in for the final kill. Seconds later, the captain was gone, only a trail of crimson left behind in his wake.
“My aunts await you, Captain Kipp,” the redhead stated as she stood next to me. “I wouldn’t keep them waiting.” Then she turned and approached the other women as she hugged them, giving them what little comfort she could. Several of them still held weary looks upon their faces, but with her eyes holding their usual hue, they accepted her back into their hold as they shot nervous glances my way.
“What do you plan to do, Captain?” Camilla asked as she sidled close to me. Her chin nodded to the boy.
I studied him. He was pale and fear had his muscles locked. He was thin, as if he’d missed more than his fair share of meals. Some of the captain’s blood had splattered onto him. “What is your name, boy?”
“They call me urchin.” He shrugged and shrank back.
“What is your real name?” I asked patiently.
“G-G-George N-N-N-Nevins,” he stuttered.