“Gale has a prior commitment. These are friends from the Columbia business department. A few of them have jobs onWall Street. It’s a good way to network before graduation.” She smiles, then pats my cheek lovingly. “What would you like to eat tonight? I’ll pick it up on the way home.”
“I’m starving for you, Miss Ella March. And I don’t think I can leave this room until I break my fast on your pussy.” I moan into our kiss, then disappear under the blankets. I think I’m going to be late to work today.
Chapter 14
“Where have you been, bestie?”Gale cuts in line and sneaks up behind me, her sarcasm slicing through the air like a sharp knife. She turns to the woman who was previously behind me and mouths a fake apology. If she was genuinely sorry, she’d wait her turn.
She knows exactly where I’ve been and has been just as unavailable as me.
“You’ve been missing in action for weeks.” Gale continues, her tone laced with fake disapproval. “First, you lose your virginity like a common skank in the backseat of a moving car, and now you’ve abandoned me in favor of living the high life on Park Avenue.” She doesn’t hold back her opinion or lower the volume of her voice.
But I ignore her manufactured outrage as I anxiously check my phone for the latest barrage of texts from Grant. Eight messages flood in within minutes, each one more urgent than the last.
"Is that Grant?" Gale huffs as she dramatically places her hands on her hips and then proceeds to stomp her feet with exaggerated fury. "Doesn't he realize today is bestie day? He'shad the spotlight for two whole weeks. What about me? I had to endure watching the latestHousewifeseason with Duncan because I couldn't wait any longer for you. And let me tell you, his incessant questions during every episode were like an annoying fly buzzing in my ear. You know how much I hate that.”
“Are you still having sex with two men?” I can't contain my curiosity any longer. I practically shout, taking revenge for her earlier skank-shaming comment. "When I tried to call you three days ago, Gareth picked up your phone. When did you start giving out your password to anyone—let alone a man?"
Gale's complexion grow pale, but she swiftly recovers when the woman behind her clutches imaginary pearls and delivers a disapproving gasp. She whirls around and juts her chin defiantly. "Yes, I am romantically involved with two men, and when I’m in the mood, I have sex with them at the same time. Care to share your thoughts on the matter, ma’am?"
My jaw drops and it takes all my self-control to keep it from hitting the floor as Gale turns to face me. The shock of her confession leaves me speechless.
She fessed up about seeing Duncan on the night they met. Three days later, he moved her out of her shoebox apartment and into his brownstone in Carnegie Hill. She conveniently hid her throuple status until I caught her, Duncan, and Gareth having brunch together last Sunday. They looked unusually cozy and when Grant and I approached, Gale's frightened expression gave her away—she looked like she got caught with her hand in the cookie jar.
I assumed she was simply dating two men at once, but I never imagined they were having relations simultaneously.
My thoughts race with numerous questions, logistical considerations, positions, and how she jugglestwomen whenone is wearing me down. But in this moment, all I can focus on is the menu board.
After we place our orders and pay for our coffees and pastries, Gale quietly trails behind me to our usual table by the window. From this vantage point, we can see the bustling street and the commuter crowd traveling to the advertising jobs on Madison Avenue. As we sit and settle into our seats, Gale's eyes avoid meeting mine, instead lingering on something in the distance as her lips curve into a sly smile. I can only imagine what memories she's reliving in her filthy mind.
“So, what's the deal with Grant? Are you his girlfriend or in a mutual but temporary beneficial arrangement?” Gale's blunt words catch me off guard, but I can tell she has a point she's trying to make. “And before you throw me in the villain category, just know that I have your best interests at heart. You're still in the starry-eyed phase and I noticed the way he gazed at you—it's obvious he's smitten too. But let's not forget our last conversation where you expressed frustration over his inability to discuss feelings or love.”
I shake my head, slightly discouraged but hopeful enough to have a plan. “It’s only been two weeks, and most men don’t shout words of affection so soon?—”
Gale interrupts me mid-sentence. “Duncan took five days to confess his love. After a few more declarations, I felt comfortable enough to return the sentiment. I want you to seriously consider finding out where this relationship will ultimately go or start to sever whatever arrangement you have with Grant. You might be living like a pampered princess with a chauffeur, cook, personal minion, and black Amex, but my best friend has a huge heart and sometime soon, this sugar baby life won’t be enough.”
"I promise I'm diligently working on it, every piece of my plan carefully in motion." My heart clenches with the realization that this whole situation could have been avoided if I had justspoken up about my desires the first time we were together. But growing up with passive-aggressive parents, I struggle with being as direct as Gale.
Gale nods and sips her cappuccino with an unnecessarily smug expression. “You know, I never thought I’d be attracted to a man twice my age. That was your thing and frankly, I always questioned your taste. But Duncan has not only changed my opinion, but made me a true believer. He’s absolutely divine.”
“And Gareth?” I ask, confused by his exclusion.
“He’s growing on me.” Gale smiles and waves her hand, urging me to finish my drink. “Let’s get some use out of Grant’s credit card and you can tell me all about your big plan. Maybe, we can fine-tune it.”
Chapter 15
“Is this everything?”As I open the leather-bound dossier prepared by my lawyer, a knot forms in my stomach. My hands tremble as I unfasten my cuffs and roll up my sleeves, revealing the tension coursing through my veins. With each page I read about Douglas March, Ella's pathetic excuse of a father and my soon-to-be ex-employee, I grow more visibly shaken. The words on the page are like daggers to my heart, a reminder of the pain he’s caused Ella.
With an exasperated sigh, Oscar slumps into the leather chair across from my desk. Flicking through his copy, his expressions range from disbelief to disgust. "I dropped this off days ago. What's taken you so long to review it?" He shakes his head in disappointment. "This guy is a real piece of work." He leans closer and whispers, "I've already sent a message to the IRS and U.S. Attorney's office. It looks like stealing from his daughter is not the worst thing he's done."
My jaw clenches as I continue to skim through the incriminating documents, my eyes narrowed in anger. The papers scratch at my fingertips, each word igniting a spark of fury inside me. Even though I know what they will reveal, I can't resist the urge to keep reading, my gaze transfixed on thedamning evidence in front of me. “I don’t need to see anymore," I growl through gritted teeth. "There’s more than enough here to justify firing Doug." But my reasons for wanting him fired go far beyond just this betrayal of trust. My personal vendetta against him stems from his treatment of Ella. It makes my blood boil to think about how he broke her heart, leaving her to fend for herself and ultimately driving her to sell herself to the highest bidder to survive. The thought alone fills me with rage and disgust. Though I may have benefitted from his larceny, deep down I know I would have found my way to Ella eventually.
“Are you firing Doug yourself or having human resources do it?” Oscar drops his stack of papers on my desk and stands, warning me to do everything by the book. “Don’t give that degenerate a reason to sue the company. And for God’s sake, don’t tell him you’re dating his daughter.”