My demon.

He was gone.

I sat up and lifted my top, the pierce of where the knife had gone into me was slowly getting smaller until it closed over completely, the skin there looking totally back to normal.

Not only had the demon fucked me back to life, he’d healed me too.

I smiled and shook my head in disbelief at my luck.

He’d saved me.

I heard a noise behind me, and I turned to look over my shoulder to see Jax about thirty yards away on the outskirts of the woods. He was standing in the light of his motorbike, smoking a cigarette and looking shaken up. He ran his hand through his hair, and I noticed a streak of blood on his wrist, which he quickly tucked back into his jacket.

He cast a glance in my direction, but with the darkness outside and the light from his bike shining so close to his face, I knew he wouldn’t be able to see me.

“Son of a bitch,” I said as I leaned up and rose slowly to my feet, keeping low.

Jax sucked deeply on the cigarette, and I noticed the knife lying on the ground next to me. He’d been too stupid to pick it up.

Why did that not surprise me?

I reached out and swept it into my palm, closing my fingers around the handle. It still had my blood on it, sticky and warm.

I watched as he turned his back and put his leg over the bike, climbing on as he clamped the cigarette between his teeth. He was clearly thinking of what to do, muttering to himself under his breath as he smoked and breathed quickly. He was so nervous I could almost hear his heart beating.

“Move her to the woods,” I heard him say as if he was agreeing with himself, and I rolled my eyes.

He was such a moron.

A shallow grave in the woods behind the lookout… I definitely deserved better than that.

He turned the keys in his bike, and the light cut out, plunging the area into darkness. I smiled as I stepped away from the murder scene, away from the pool of blood on the ground, and ducked down next to some rocks.

I watched as Jax breathed out and threw his cigarette on the ground.

More evidence to convict him if I had, in fact, died.

And then he began to walk slowly towards me, staring at the ground until he reached the point where my body should have been…

… and he froze.

Stone cold.

I heard his breathing ramp up, and I watched as he spun around, staring in every direction, the panic flooding his face.

I thought of my pleasure demon. I could still feel him. He was right when he said he would leave his mark. I reached up and touched the point on my shoulder where he’d sunk his teeth in. The warmth was still there, and I smiled.

He’d be with me, now and always.

And we would see each other again when it was time.

But for now, I had to do him proud. I’d been given a second chance, and I was going to put an end to Jax once and for all.

I’d send him to the depths of hell where he belonged, and I would know justice had been served.

“Hi, Jax,” I said as I stepped out quickly and approached him from behind, the knife sharp in my fist as I plunged it hard and fast into the side of his throat.

He made a sound that was almost like a plum being crushed. And then he tried to swallow, but a thick flood of black came from his mouth. The blood spilled down his chin, and he stared at me with wide eyes.