His tongue slithered inside me, filling me up, the two ends of the forks tickling my deepest depth and making me convulse as I tried to prolong the pleasure.

“You’ve needed this so badly,” he growled against me. “That human man didn’t take care of you at all…”

I was so cross-eyed with passion that I couldn’t speak. I dangled weightlessly against his chest as his tongue continued to revive me, to pump the warming blood through my veins as my skin tingled with his energy.


“Oh goodness,” I panted, my voice barely even a whisper.

He licked my slit and circled my clit with his tongue, the heat so intense it felt as if the Underworld was falling away around me.


“No,” I said as a sensation tugged in my stomach. “I’m not ready to leave you.”


My heart was beginning to beat harder and faster, and the demon was bringing me to the edge of something incredible.

“But you have to go back, babe,” he said against my pussy. “You deserve your revenge.”

I tried to shake my head, and at the back of my neck, I felt a hard poke of something smooth and warm.

“I know there are other parts of you I need,” I managed to gasp. “Lay me down on the rocks and show me.”

The demon’s gruff laughter rumbled through my core before he dipped his tongue inside of me again, lingering over my taste.

“I could do this all day,” he growled. “But as you wish.”

I dangled against his chest, my head slapping into his lower belly. With one quick movement, he unhooked my legs from around his horns and took hold of me by the waist before easing himself back onto the rocks and pulling me up against him. He spread my legs wide with his thighs, and as he bared his teeth at me, I saw the lust in his eyes.

Underneath the loin cloth, I felt something move.

A wicked smile passed over his lips as he reached down and moved it to one side, exposing his incredible manhood that made me go lightheaded all over again.

He was thick and veiny, with an enormous girth. The veins along the shaft pulsated and throbbed as I stared at them.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

They throbbed in time with the beat of my heart, growing faster as each second passed.

“You truly are a wonderful little thing,” he mused as he gripped his cock in his fist. “Never did I imagine you would be so eager and willing to please.”

I bit my lip and smiled, the pleasure he’d already created within me now coiled and waiting for more.

He held onto my waist with his rough hands, the claws on them pricking the skin as he lifted me high and brought me down on the end of his length. As he pushed the tip inside of me, I stilled, unable to move or make a sound, and I stared into his black eyes as the power of the Underworld flowed between us.

“When I enter you, I will be inside you until you come,” he told me sternly. “And then you’ll be thrust back into the land of the living.”

I reached up and stroked the side of his face with tenderness.

This monster had done nothing but show me kindness. He’d waited for me, lusted for me, and now I’d been brought to him, he was willing to send me back so I could get my revenge on the dirtbag who’d wronged me in the worst possible way.

“If only I could stay,” I smiled sadly, knowing that now, whoever I met in the real world was going to pale in comparison.

“I know,” he agreed, his claws holding me tightly in place. “But it is not the order of things. Not this time.”

I felt myself pout, and he smiled.