“Sweet Penny, I’m the Lord of the Underworld. I’m as old as time and not a particularly good person. Of course I’ve fucked my demons. More times and in more ways than you can imagine.”

I think he’s trying to warn me off, but instead I get a shiver at the thought. How many positions must he know? How many ways could he get me off, if given the chance? How many ways could I return the favor? I bite my cheek to hide my grin. “Like I said, I can’t outdo them on the pole. But maybe I could outdo at least one in the bedroom.”

Fire shoots through his eyes and he chuckles darkly. “It would be brave of you to try.”

I shrug, hoping I seem casual. “Nothing I haven’t done before.”

“Oh, but it is.” His eyes are alight with wicked mischief and his grin is huge. “I’ve only ever fucked demons in my true form. If you want to outdo them, that’s what you’d be facing.”

“And what exactly is your true form?”

“You couldn’t handle it.”

“Try me.”

“No, it would terrify you, little human.”

I narrow my eyes at him. “If I fail this challenge, I spend eternity with you. I’m sure I’d see your true form eventually. At least if you show me now, there’s a chance you get laid.”

He throws his head back and laughs. “Very well. Remember, you asked for this.” He smirks at me as his skin begins to change and then, before my eyes, becomes…something else entirely.

He’s huge, at least eight feet tall, covered in scales and tails and horns.

Gone is his all-black outfit. He stands in front of me, gloriously nude—and blue!—rippling with muscles and serpent scales. Three snake tails swish behind him, his head is crowned with a pair of huge, sweeping horns, and not one, buttwoenormous cocks jut out, proudly at attention.

Only his eyes remain the same, watching me carefully, gauging my reaction.

“Holy fuck,” I finally say.

He barks out another laugh. “Not what you were expecting?” His voice has changed too, a raspy booming thunder of sound that sort of echoes in on itself.

I shake my head. “I guess not. I think I imagined something more like your mask. You know, the devil?”

He nods. “I have been called that, of course, and I have taken that form many, many times. But this is my original appearance. And I am not the devil, exactly, not in the sense you mean. I am the Lord of the Underworld. It is…different.”

I suppose I could have a debate with him right now about theology or mythology or his -ology of choice. He could school me on his millennia of history and who and what he actually is. But honestly? I don’t really care. Because at the moment, I’m captivated by the horns on his head. He sees me staring.

“They frighten you? I did warn you.”

Ha, anything but. I chew my lip. “No. It’s just…” I trail off and blush.

“Tell me,” he demands.

“I was just imagining holding on to them while I ride your face,” I say, avoiding eye contact. It’s true. His new form is monstrous, but somehow, no less appealing to me. I still want to fuck him every which way I can.

He growls, actuallygrowls, deep in his chest and swoops me up. In two steps he has me at the bar, where he sets me down. Even with him on his knees, this might not be high enough. He shoves my dress up above my hips and rips off my lace panties. In an instant, he’s on his knees, his face buried between my thighs.

He takes a long, deep inhale. “Penny, you smell delicious. I can’t wait to taste you.”

The image of him licking his fingers earlier pops into my mind. “Didn’t you already?”

“Not nearly enough.”

His face is as big as the rest of him, and he shoves it against my flesh, dragging his tongue along my crease and sending fireworks shooting through me. He swirls the tip of it around my clit, rimming and stroking and making me wild.

“Hold on,” he mutters, and then he adds his fingers to the mix. In this form, they’re easily long enough to reach the hot spot inside me, and he rubs it as he licks me. I gasp and buck, and then I follow his instructions: I grab onto his horns and hang on for dear life as he eats me like dessert.

“Keep your legs spread,” he growls, and then he presses the flat of one hand low on my belly. He keeps the pressure there firm, but continues to work both my clit and G-spot simultaneously. I mewl as the pleasure builds hot and fast.