Beside her, Rosetta whoops again, giving a fist bump to her red-in-the-face cousin.
This is premium girl talk. But all I can think about is Amazra. All the times I’ve been in his bakery, in that small, confined space with its somewhat-lacking air flow… could hesmellmy interest in him? My arousal at the sight of his big, dark-red body? Groaning, I cover my face with both hands.
“If you’re worried that Amazra is aware of how you feel but doesn’t return the sentiment, I think you’re mistaken.” Terra’s voice is as soft as her fingers, gently peeling my hands free so I can see her nodding. “He watches you, Lilah. First, he watchesforyou. I’ve seen it; the way he stares at the door when he’s expecting you to walk through it. Then, while you’re in his presence, he never takes his eyes off of you. And when you leave, his gaze follows you until you’re out of sight. Sometimes, he moves to the front window.”
“He does all that?” The desperation in my voice is as clear as the glass Terra has been observing us through. And I don’t give half a shit. I just need to know.
“He does,” Terra says, giving my arm a light squeeze. “I know hell demons can be hard to read because they’re not emotionally motivated like a lot of us other species are, but I really believe Amazra is interested in you. I haven’t witnessed this behavior from him where anyone else is concerned.”
As hopeful as that sounds, it’s the,they’re not emotionally motivatedpart my brain sticks on. Not as straightforward as Daemon’s statement that demons do not fall in love, but definitely in the same vein. If Amazra is interested in me in a physical way, would that be enough for me? Maybe, maybe not. There’s only one way to find out.
“Okay, ladies, let’s do this. Find me the perfect wedding-appropriate dress to make me irresistible. I’ve got a demon to seduce.”
Twice this day,I have missed my opportunity to be face-to-face with Lilah. I could assume her schedule is off, or consider it coincidence that I was engaged with other customers at the precise moments she came into my shop, if not for the fact that both times, I saw her in the park prior to entering. She waited for those opportunities to avoid contact with me. Evidence that I misunderstood her comments yesterday. That I have caused her to feel uncomfortable with me.
Now it is closing time, and she has not come by for her usual third visit that she makes on her way home from work. It is possible her routine is altered, since she did not return to the veterinary clinic after her second stop here earlier, and that she is occupied with the two humans who accompanied her out of the dress shop.
She looked over at the bakery then. A look that lingered long enough for me to wonder if she could see me watching her. Human vision is not as acute as that of a demon, but for a moment, we seemed connected by that shared gaze. I enjoyed the sensation. Enough that I made an audible sound my bakery assistant referred to asa longing sigh. The persistent elf needled me about it for the duration of her shift, openly laughing when I suggested she could be replaced with someone more silent.
“Why don’t you just ask her out?” Dauphine had said after her amusement tapered off. “Unless you’ve been adding a dash of something extra to Lilah’s purchases, she’s not coming in three times a day for the baked goods. She’s into you, Maz. She wants a dash of demon. But you’re intimidating as hell, no pun intended. You’re going to have to make the first move. Oh, and if you do—remember, she’s human, not a demon. You need towooher. Be romantic, like a human suitor would.”
Making such a move would be a risk. If the well-meaning elf is wrong, Lilah may never return to the bakery again. I would still watch her, though. As she walks to and from work. As she shops and visits other businesses along the town square. I have never craved anything the way I do her. Whether she wants me or not, I will never desire another.
Which is why I stepped away from the bakery earlier and went toRose’s Gardento purchase a small bouquet of red and pinkroses to present to Lilah with my invitation to share personal time with me. My employee heartily approved of the selection and method ofwooing. Unfortunately, I will not have the opportunity to offer the arrangement to its intended recipient, as it is now five minutes past the end of my business hours, and there is no sign of Lilah anywhere on the street. She is not coming. My helper gave incorrect advice.
I remove the floral bouquet from the shelf beneath the counter and place it on top, along with the boxed scones I set aside. I’m halfway to the door to turn the lock when a car pulls up and Lilah pops out from one of the rear seats.
This time, there is no question of the connection when our gazes meet. Smiling, she gives a little wave while hurrying to the door. I nod when she points at the exterior handle, stepping aside to make way for her. As with every time she enters the shop, her scent floods my senses, making every part of me instantly alert.
“I tried to make it back before you closed, but—oh. You obviously have plans. Never mind me.” She waves both hands in front of her while taking a step backward. “I won’t hold you up.”
I follow the line of her averted gaze to the clear-cellophane-wrapped flowers. “I purchased those for you. You alone are the reason I had not yet locked the door. I was waiting for you.”
“You were? With flowers? Why?”
With humans, the tone they use is often as informative as the words they speak. Lilah’s voice is always soft, but those words come out quieter, breathier. Perhaps my assistant was not wrong after all.
“I have desired to spend time with you since we met, Lilah. But you are so delicate, gentle, and good. I am a demon, and a lesserone at that, forged from hellfire, with little to offer a beautiful, vibrant creature like you, except the pastries I make with my hands and the pleasure I could wring from your exquisite form. Knowing that I could not possibly be what you want has not alleviated the extent of my desire. I purchased the roses to present with my request, to woo you, as humans do in their mating rituals. But if you are uninterested in such a proposal from me?—”
“I’m interested,” she says, smiling so widely, so brightly, she could light the entire space with her glow from within. “And the reason I’m late getting here today is because I spent the afternoon getting hyped-up so I could walk in here and askyouon a date. I was advised to be demon direct with you, even if it meant you might reject me to my face. So here goes: I’m incredibly attracted to you, intrigued by you, and I’d like to get to know you in all kinds of personal ways. I’ve wanted that since the first time I met you, which is apparently twenty-seven months ago, if my boss’s sniffer is accurate.”
I cannot control the thundering rumble that vibrates from deep within me. Nor the fists that form at my sides. “If you are not his, he should not be scenting you.”
The lovely pink in her cheeks drains, and her big brown eyes open as wide as is physically possible.
“I have frightened you.” I bow my head and take a step farther from her. “Though I would always take care not to hurt you, it is understandable for you to choose to maintain the distance that has existed between us, rather to get closer.”
Her lovely dark eyebrows lower, her eyes narrowing as she moves toward me. “I’m not frightened. I’m also not Daemon’s or anyone else’s, and I never will be. I belong to myself only.” Thelast inches between us disappear when she places her palms on my chest and leans in, pressing her body to mine. “But I would very much like to share myself with you. And only with you.”
The rumble I emit now does not come from a place of anger. Carnal desire, the burning need to claim every inch of her, burns inside me. “You cannot know how intensely your desire affects me, Lilah.”
“Then you’ll have to show me.” She slides her hands upward, gasping when her fingers cross the edge of my shirt and onto my neck. My chin. Jaw. Ears. Brow. “You really are so hot. I mean that in every way—and they’re all good.”
When her hands reach my horns, I can resist no longer. Barely restraining a roar, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her tight against me. “Eight hundred and twenty-nine days, Lilah. That is how long I have craved you.”
Her hands still their stimulating ministrations, and she blinks up at me, lips parted. “You kept track of the days?”