Julia kisses me once more and then releases me. “Hurry back.”
“What spell do I want?”I ask my grandmother as I hand her the black page book.
The tome looks less scary in her library with all the other dusty spines.
She weighs it in her hands, scowling at it. “This is missing a page.”
“You’ll have to talk to Minnie about that.”
“I’m sure I will. Once I find her.” She sets it on the windowsill, beneath the still-bright light of the full moon that sits low in the pane and hands me a piece of parchment.
“I planned to give this to you after your fancy graduation… as a reminder that you belong here, but… seems like you already know that.”
I take it and look at the spell written there.
“What, exactly, does it do?”
“You are learning. Good.” She chuckles. “Use that, and you can reassign a ghost’s anchor.”
Julia’s anchor is her heart. It’s the thing that lets her remain in the living world long after she should have passed on. “Why would I want to do that?”
“I don’t know.” My grandmother says in the way she always does when she definitely does know. “Why might you want to anchor Julia to your heart, instead of hers?”
I freeze because I’d never considered…
Looking at my grandmother’s face, trying to tell if she’s teasing me, I ask, “I can do that?”
“If you want to and she’ll let you, then yes. Now, go make plans I have no part in.” She flutters her hand at me, dismissing me.
I pause in the doorway and look back, “Julia thinks you’ve been neglecting my education.”
“There is no reason for you to use this book. So there was no reason for me to teach you Babylonian.”
“What about Sumerian?”
She looks up at me over her glasses. “If you don’t leave right now, I’m going to snatch that spell back.”
I hurry upstairs and pack a small bag. I can come back for more later, but… I want to bring this first bag toshowher that I do plan on sticking around.
I drop my phone charging brick on top of my clothes and zip it up as I hurry back down the stairs.
Before I head out, I take a moment to peek in at Jonas. He is out like a light and snoring so loudly… I’m sure everyone sleeping here will be glad the room is spelled to be soundproof.
I feel like I’ve crossed the field to Julia’s home a hundred times, but I’ll happily cross it a hundred more, as long as she’s waiting for me.
“You’re tired.” She says when she wraps her arms around me again.
She strokes my face and then takes my hand, tugging me upstairs.
I follow her to the bedroom and close the door. She closes the curtains.
“My grandmother gave me this.” I place the spell on the table and take off my boots as Julia floats over to it.
She reads the words and then reads them again. “Do you know what this would mean?”
“You’d be tied to me instead of your house.”
She dips her head, nodding with a far away look in her dark eyes. “Do you understand the consequences?”