Page 76 of The Crowing of Hell

Eugene jumped in front of the door; insanity written clear across his face. “Those children must be punished. They set Mother’s house on fire!”

“They’re capable of a lot worse if you don’t release them,” I stated, keeping them behind me.

“Hey, asshole. You might want to let out us or say goodbye to Mother Dearest,” Kit hissed.

“Leave my mother alone!” Eugene screamed.

I turned and saw Kit holding a plastic bottle of something over the wicker chair.

“I’ll burn her if you don’t let us go!” Kit warned.

Eugene began foaming at the mouth as hedemanded his mother get up and thrash Kit. Meanwhile, I edged forward and gave Eugene a terrific shove. Quickly, I shoved the boys out in front of me.

“Go!” I yelled. “He’s deranged.”

“Kenny, what’s deranged?”

“Not now, Brax,” I said, heading down a corridor and dragging him behind me. I found a front door and nearly cried when I saw it was locked. I tugged hard, but it wouldn’t open.

“You’re not leaving here,” Eugene hissed.

Kit lit the bottle he was holding and threw it.

“Shit, Kit! We’re trapped as well as him!” I cried, and Kit pulled a face.

“Forgot!” he replied, looking scared.

Yup, I knew that feeling.

Zoom and Zippy.

“We’ve checked around here, asshole,” Zoom bitched.

“Check again. Those kids are here. I can smell them,” Zippy retorted.

“Ain’t no kids here, brother,” Zoom complained.

“Zoom, I’m telling you, Rooster’s kids are close,” Zippy snapped.

Zoom aimed his fingers at his brow and made twisting circles.

“I’m not fuckin’ imagining it. I can sense them,”Zippy growled out and sniffed the air.

“Lunatic!” Zoom stated.

A huge smile broke out over Zippy’s face. “Now, if you were Hellfire kids, what would you do to break free?”

“Whatever was needed,” Zoom replied, wondering where his partner in crime was going.

“Including setting a fire?” Zippy said and pointed at smoke close by. “Those kids are sending up smoke signals. Call it in, we’re in Jolly Dump.”

“Asshole, you can’t be certain it’s those kids!” Zoom yelled and chased after Zippy as he shot off. He caught up with him two minutes later as Zippy stopped his bike.

Zippy stared at the house. “Grey car outside. Chance said to keep an eye out for one. Call this in!”


“Upstairs!” I shrieked as the hallway caught fire. I pushed the boys ahead as I began coughing in the thick smoke. Whatever Kit had made them with was lethal. We completely missed the second floor because the smoke was so dense and headed up the third level. We kept trying bedroom doors until one opened, and I shoved the kids inside.