“Anything else you can tell me?” Mac asked.

“About the accident? No. It was quick and planned. That’s the impression I got. Someone targeted her.”

“With Kenny’s background, it could be anyone. There’s gonna be a shitload of leads to chase down. Phoe will have any threats delivered to Kenny through the Trusts. Abigail, the Trust’s Head of Security, keeps all letters and emails,” Mac said.

“Yeah, Abigail will have them if a threat has been made,” Rooster agreed.

They looked up as the doors burst open, and Casey rushed back in, carrying Blue.

“Shit, I forgot! Was it Kenny, Mac?” Casey gasped and looked guilty.

“Yes, babe, she is in with doctors now, and we should learn something soon. They were taking her for a head scan and will speak to us after. She’s hurt her head badly, but they’re going to check her out thoroughly. She’s also sprained her ankle,” Macsoothed.

“Oh, hell. And the other driver?” Casey asked, scowling.

Rooster swapped a glance with Mac and wisely stayed quiet.

“He didn’t stop,” Mac said.

“What?” Casey screeched, and Blue winced. She instantly comforted the boy. “Are you telling me someone hit Kenny and didn’t have the decency to stop?” she hissed.

“Yeah, it looks like a hit and run. SPD will check any traffic cameras local to the accident and try to pick the truck up,” Rooster added helpfully.

Casey scowled even more.

“Find that rat bastard,” Casey ordered, pointing a finger at Mac, and Mac nodded.

Rooster barely held a laugh back despite the circumstances.

Rage and Hellfire produced big men. All over six feet and with muscles coming out of their ears. Yet these guys, once they got a woman, became a pussy cat when their old lady wanted something. Rooster had sworn never to turn like his brothers or Rage brothers had, and he doubted now he’d ever get the chance. Nope, his old lady would obey him. Rooster would make sure she understood he wore the pants.

Then he snorted inwardly. What girl? He was a cripple and needed to remember that.

As Mac led Casey away, sending Rooster a dark look, Rooster was amused but depressed at the same time. Clearly, Mac thought Rooster had upset Caseyby his mere appearance on the scene of the accident. Rooster knew he’d never feel like that over a woman. He’d never blame a brother for something useless because no woman would have him. A cripple!

His phone rang, and Rooster sent a glare towards Casey.

“Yo, I am fine,” Rooster stated as he answered Chance’s call.

“Casey said you had flashbacks,” Chance rumbled.

“Casey has a damn big mouth. I am cool and handling shit,” Rooster replied.

“Yeah, well, the woman’s worried about you. I’ve made an appointment with Janet, she can get you in tomorrow morning at nine.”

“Brother, I’m capable of making my own appointments,” Rooster pointed out.

“I know you are, but Casey will talk to Phoe, who’ll chat to Clio, who will get on at me. So just attend it,” Chance ordered wearily.

“Already had texted Janet for an appointment, bro, but thanks. I know my limits, Chance; stop fuckin’ treating me with kid gloves,” Rooster said without rancour.

Like Rooster, Chance still suffered a shit load of guilt over the explosion. And it was made worse because Clio had developed PTSD from it, and nobody had realised. Their losses had consumed them, and they’d overlooked the impact on women. Chey still woke up screaming, according to Celt, who’d run into the blast zone to rescue him.

And even now, Chey hovered over Rooster, herguilt at wanting Celt not to save him eating her alive. Rooster could understand why Chey hadn’t wanted Celt in danger. He didn’t blame her at all, but on the flip side, he felt guilt that Chey experienced the same emotion. There was widespread guilt in Hellfire.

“Rooster,” Chance said heavily.

“Prez. Tell Clio I’m fine and dealing with Janet and to stop freaking fretting and worry about those children. She’s raising the next gen of Hellfire. Woman needs a medal with Dax and Louisa Mae,” Rooster replied.