“Yeah, she said to call you, but you didn’t answer. Drake took the message,” Rooster explained.
“Shit! That’s Kenny,” Mac replied and raced over to the desk.
Who the hell was Kenny? Rooster frowned. Mac was acting like this Kenny was important to him. He was certain Mac was with Casey, so who was this mystery girl? Rooster doubted Mac was cheating on Casey.
Rooster pushed the puzzle aside. Right now, Mac was receiving the dirty eye from the nurse he badgered.
“Bud, calm down,” Rooster grumbled, approaching the irate man. He could see Mac getting kicked out if he continued.
Mac turned to him, looking slightly deranged.
“I need to know how Kenny is? I can’t tell Casey I’ve no information, and I’m Kenny’s next of kin,” Mac said with a glower.
“What’s the issue?” Rooster questioned the nurse.
“We aren’t sure if the patient is who he says she is. There’s no identification,” the woman replied.
“And Nurse Ratched here won’t allow me to identify Kenny,” Mac spat.
Rooster’s lips twitched. He shouldn’t be amused but was.
“So let Mac confirm if the patient is Kenny?” Rooster suggested, still with no idea who Kenny was.
“It’s against policy,” Nurse Ratched answered primly.
“Darlin’, you see my cut and who I am. Do I have to call my contacts to go over your head and make your life a misery? Or can we give him a sneak and let him see if this is his Kenny? Because if it is, then we have an ID and her next of kin present,” Rooster said calmly.
The nurse’s eyes narrowed, but a doctor close by nodded.
“That’s a good idea; we need to ID the woman. She needs an operation, and we need her next of kin before we do so. Come with me,” he spoke to Mac, ignoring the nurse now giving all three of us the dead eye.
“I can’t imagine her to be anyone else, considering she told me to call Mac,” Rooster added with a dig at the nurse and retook his chair. His bad leg stretched out in front of him. Rooster was rubbing his knee; it didn’t hurt for once but felt uncomfortable. Today had been a totally different exercise than what he was used to.
The nurse kept sending him dire looks, but Rooster ignored them. When Mac didn’t return within five minutes, Rooster surmised that this had been Mac’s Kenny. He looked up as the doors blew open, and Casey flew in, carrying Blue.
“Rooster!” she called on seeing him.
“I got a call from Drake. He said Kenny’s had an accident?”
“Who the hell is she?” Rooster demanded, hiscuriosity riding him.
“Kendara, Blue’s Aunt,” Casey answered with a warning look.
Rooster immediately realised who Kendara was. As far as Mac and Casey were concerned, she was a damn hero. Kendara had been friends with Lucy, Blue’s biological mom, who’d been trafficked and escaped.
Lucy had been pregnant and given birth to Blue, who Kendara had smuggled to Rage. Mac and Lucy had once been involved, and although Blue wasn’t Mac’s child, she guessed correctly that Mac would take care of him.
Mac loved Blue like his own, and then Casey had come along, and Blue had a doting mom and dad. Kendara had disappeared, fearing the man who’d bought Lucy might track Kendara down looking for his son. She’d been kidnapped, tortured, and escaped to bring warning to Rage MC. Rooster had heard she worked with Phoenix at Trust HQ as a family lawyer now.
“I know who you mean,” Rooster said, his mind jumping all over the place. When he’d been riding towards the accident, he could have sworn that Kenny was hit on purpose. Now, knowing who she was, someone targeting her made little sense. Unless it was something to do with her job. Even so, he wouldn’t be mentioning it to Casey; Mac would have his balls if he did so. No, he owed his brother from another club the courtesy of telling him his suspicions.
“Rooster, you drifted off there,” Casey said,interrupting his thoughts.
“Sorry, I’m a bit out of it. The car exploding raised some bad memories, you know?” he replied and then regretted it when Casey flung her arms around him.
“O.M.G. What do you need? Sit down, Roo, honey. I’ll call Chance. Do you want Big Al or Janet?” Casey began babbling.
Bemused Rooster struggled to remove himself from Casey’s embrace, and relief hit like a truck when Mac appeared with a scowl and dragged his woman away.