Page 6 of Beloved Charmer

"The magics in that building are not minor or basic, and you will need training and preparation before entering. Are you aware that you are what is called a Charmer?" Evan had heard the word tossed around this evening, but he was not familiar with the word.

“No, I don’t know what it is.”

“We were told, after the death of the magic, that no one but a Charmer would be able to remove the curse that he laid. We were also informed that there hadn't been a Charmer in existence since the Middle Ages. The curse that was used was ancient by design; it was assumed that the magic that set itplanned to die or disappear and leave this cancer to take over the coven, the city, and perhaps beyond." Evan felt Conrad's grip on his upper arm and felt it flex as his emotions responded to his memories.

"I'm sorry that happened to you." Evan didn't know what else to say to something so terrible. "I can feel the trouble in the air. Everyone seems to be experiencing a heaviness of spirit. Even your Master, who is solid and strong, has a shadow of pain that hangs over him."

"You have a way of reading people," Conrad stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"Yes, I can't read minds or intents, but I get a vibe, so to speak, whenever I meet someone. It has helped me tremendously in guiding my steps with Sedric and the others."

“They didn’t know?”

“No, you’re the first one that I’ve shared it with.”

“Thank you.”

“I can’t read you I only get feelings from you like, tension, anger, irritation.” Evan turned to look up at him with a teasing smile. “Most of those feelings were tied to me I’m afraid.”

“I’m never angry or irritated with you my love only with the situation we find ourselves in.” Conrad dropped a kiss to Evan’s forehead, and it felt so good. “You warm and fill my heart with hope and joy and all things lovely.” He kissed him again and Evan began to feel this man deep in his heart and in his soul it was a sensation of purpose, belonging and dare he say it, love. It scared him but also excited him.

“I can feel that the things you are telling me are all true.” Evan shared and Conrad kissed him again only this time it wason the lips. It was soft and brief but sent a thrilling sensation through him.

"You can trust me, Evan. Fate has brought us together, and our connection goes deep."

“I can feel that too.” Evan whispered and stared into Conrad’s burning gaze. The moment was only seconds and yet it seemed to go on forever and then suddenly Conrad took his lips in a kiss that was neither brief nor gentle.

His hold tightened and his fingers dug into Evan’s upper arms as he pressed him close and devoured him. Something broke, something tipped over the edge and Conrad was taking what he wanted, and Evan was enjoying every taste and every touch. He reached up and threaded his fingers through Conrad’s hair pulling him closer as he opened freely welcoming Conrad’s aggressive exploration.

The kiss went on and on, and the sexual tension skyrocketed. Conrad bent him backward onto the couch and followed him down. Evan felt the cushions against his back and Conrad over him. He held onto Conrad and continued to press him closer, and Conrad continued to go deep, tasting and devouring.

Evan was losing his mind with the wild sensations and the desperate need that was roaring through him. He felt himself becoming so hard it was painful, and all he wanted was for this beautiful man to give him relief. His wish came true when he felt Conrad's hand slipping into the waistband of his pants, taking hold of his hard, heated cock. The touch was explosive, and he tried to suppress the tight cry that escaped into Conrad's mouth.

Conrad's lips moved to trail hot kisses along Evan's jaw, allowing him to pant and cry out in ecstasy at the amazing spectacle of feelings being fed by Conrad's talented hand. Hestroked and squeezed and bathed Evan's throat in lovely wet kisses. Evan felt his balls pull tight and knew he wasn't going to last. His body was absolutely humming.

"I'm not going to last." He panted, his voice strained as he held his breath.

"Come," Conrad stated, but Evan lost it. He cried out and arched his back and came, covering Conrad's hand in his hot release. Conrad continued to stroke him, and then there was a sharp bite, which was followed by another wave of arousal, and Evan found himself climaxing once again, just as hard and sharp as the first. He thought he would pass out from the sheer pleasure flooding his senses.

“You bit me.” Evan’s voice was barely there as he slowly came down from that pleasure high.

“I did.” Conrad stated with a sly smile. He kissed him and then began cleaning him up. It was something he did not expect but found the process extremely erotic. He took a warm wet cloth and cleaned Evan thoroughly and then straightened his clothing. He then sat back down next to him and pulled him back into his arms allowing Evan to rest his head on his shoulder.

“Relax my love.” He said and although Evan thought it an impossibility considering, he fell into a deep sleep.

"I'm worried for this young man, and I'm worried for Conrad." Nik voiced his concerns to his beloved Walker as they sat together in the early morning in their quarters having breakfast. Walker was the one person with whom he could be completely open and honest and share his fears; he was the love of his life and the center of his world.

"Marek will see that he is prepared, and the fact that magic cannot exist around him will weaken whatever power has taken over the Hadden Center. Evan McCormick will not enter that building until you are satisfied that he is safe, and I know for a fact that Conrad trusts you emphatically.”

"Marek and I and Conrad, of course, will go with him, but that young man is the one who will be doing the heavy lifting, and there are so many variables to consider." Nik poured himself another cup of coffee and also refilled Walker’s cup.

“He will be prepared, my love, and you and Marek and Conrad will protect him. There is no variable on earth that you cannot handle.” Walker's confidence in Nik's abilities calmed his uncertainties. He reached across the table, took Walker's hand, and held it tight before raising it to his lips and placing a kiss upon it.

“You soothe me in a way no other can or ever will. I thank God for you, my love."

“We are one and I will always be here for you.” Walker responded. Nik stood and rounded the table picking Walker up in his arms. He held him drinking in the sweetness, the energy and the love of his beloved.

“It’s still early let us investigate the comforts of our bedroom for an hour or two.” Nik suggested.