Page 4 of Beloved Charmer

"Makes sense." He said, and everyone waited to find out what he meant because it didn't make sense to them. Evan was the last person Conrad would have considered to go up against their greatest enemy and the darkest of magics. It struck himas absurd, but he also understood that the universe operates in strange and unexpected ways. Conrad stayed close to Evan even stepping in front of him when Batiste made his accusations. His need to protect and defend was overwhelming.

Batiste reached out to take hold of Evan's wrist, but Conrad interceded and blocked him. "I'm merely making a point. I'm not going to hurt him." He said to Conrad and winked. The man was such an insufferable pain in the ass. Evan looked up at Conrad as if asking permission. Conrad nodded but placed his hand on Evan's shoulder for security.

Evan reached out his arm and Batiste encircled his wrist drawing attention to the amber bracelet. “Even with the bracelet you still have power.” Batiste said with a smile before turning to the others in the room specifically Master Hadden. “His father had this fashioned in order to prevent Evan’s energy from effecting him and the others in his kindred.” Batiste laughed and dropped Evan’s wrist.

"Fate was being hilarious when she sent this boy to that family." Batiste stepped away but kept looking back at Evan, who was obviously intrigued. "Amber holds his power in check. The steel is just to prevent him from getting it off."

“What is his power?” Master Hadden asked for specifics. “He is the Charmer, but he doesn't seem to be aware of that fact."

"He's the Charmer alright, no doubt about that. I can see him deep within our young man, just waiting to be released." Batiste chuckled excitedly. "He's also much more than that. The bracelet he's wearing stops him from neutralizing every ounce of magic power in a five-hundred-yard radius. Magic cannot exist around this man." He smiled and looked over at Master Hadden. "He is the answer to your dreams, Nik."

“He was born and lived among a kindred.” Master Hadden stated.

“Hence the amber bracelet and I doubt they kept him close. Why they kept him around at all is mystifying.” Batiste glanced at Evan and was filled with curiosity.

"They wanted to control him so that his powers weren't used against them," Killian told them. "The kid hates the one called Manfred, so I went into Manfred's head to find out why. Their fear of him, along with the desire to control such power, was among the things I found." Killian paused and then added. "I found Evan in a dilapidated garden shed sleeping on a cot, so they weren't treating him like family, more like a prisoner or slave. Manfred considered him a slave."

"That fucking piece of shit. I wish I would have punched him harder." Evan erupted, and Killian agreed with him.

"We should have wiped Manfred's mind or killed him; either would have sufficed. I think he is going to be a problem at some point." Killian spoke in a calm and measured tone.

“What’s done is done.” Master Hadden stated unequivocally. “Maybe we should get down to business and leave our thoughts and feelings for later.” Master Hadden stated, and then dismissed everyone from the room except Conrad, Evan and Batiste. The Master was aware of the connection between Conrad and Evan.

"You need to get comfortable with who you are." Batiste began. "You have been hobbled for most of your life, I'm assuming."

“Yes, the bracelet was placed on me when I was four years old and was exchanged over the years for larger models, but I have always worn it. I was told that my ability was at odds with the family and that I could hurt people.” Evan unconsciouslymoved closer to Conrad as Batiste continued to question him. Conrad placed his hand on the small of his back and kept it there. Contact was a necessity for both of them.

"You don't hurt them. You make them powerless." Batiste clarified. "It's a side effect of being a charmer."

"Conrad, why don't you take Evan to your quarters and let him rest. Stay close, answer his questions, and keep him safe." Master Hadden gave him the gift he was craving.

“Yes sir, thank you sir.” Conrad did not ask why and wasted no time in getting his arm around Evan and guiding him out of the room and to the elevator. Evan did not resist and eagerly fell into step beside Conrad.

"I'm so glad to get out of that room. That guy was making me dizzy." Evan voiced his feelings, showing Conrad a level of trust.

"Batiste has that effect on most people, but he's harmless, really. He used to be difficult, but since bonding with a vampire guard, he's tried to temper his need for chaos."

“It’s still there just below the surface.” Evan looked up at him just as the doors to the elevator opened. “You all better hope that guard never leaves him.”

“They are a bonded couple Batiste is Ian’s beloved and Ian is Batiste’s bonded equal they are together forever.” Conrad assured as they stepped into the elevator.

"I've heard of beloveds and mates, but I never heard of a bonded equal," Evan commented.

"Batiste is a sorcerer, and sorcerers have bonded equals. It is as powerful as any paranormal bond."

"Be glad because what I saw was a man on the edge of bedlam, and without constraints, that man could wreak havocand madness." Evan continued his assessment of Batiste, and it was spot on.

“He’s not a bad man just wildly immature.” Conrad interjected in defense of the crazy sorcerer.

"Yes, yes and yes." Evan finished, and Conrad chuckled. The easy banter was warming Conrad's heart.

They entered Conrad's quarters on the fourth floor of the Imperial. The rooms were not as large as those at the Hadden Center but were still substantial and well-designed for comfort and efficiency. He thought about Evan's opinion and wondered if he found the space pleasing.

“Would you like to lay down?” He would start there. Evan shook his head and briefly glanced around the room.

“I’m too wound up to ever be able to rest right now.” That was understandable and Conrad took him by the hand and walked him over to the sofa and helped him get seated stuffing pillows behind him and covering him with a light throw blanket.

"Try to relax, and I'll get you something to drink. Are you hungry, sweetheart?"