Page 39 of Vaughn

Moisture has gathered at her center, enough so that I can slick two fingers against her skin and slightly begin to push them between the folds of her pussy. "Don't stop," she begs as I take my free hand, and move it to the front of her body. My eyes meet hers as I take her nipple between my teeth, sucking harshly, biting a little, just to see what she really likes. She goes crazy in my lap, thrusting against my cock.

"Not gonna stop," I promise as I situate myself enough so that I can push my long legs out in front of me, to give me just a little bit more room to work.

Her hands start playing against my stomach, rubbing against the muscles there, causing me to sweat, forcing me to gust out bursts of air to try and keep from fucking nutting in my boxer briefs. The way she's grinding against me, completely letting go of her inhibitions are enough to make me crazy. The shaking fingers of her hands fumble with the button of my jeans and when she finally gets it undone, I moan with relief. "Push 'em down, Val, pull me out. Fuck."

She does what I ask, lifting up even farther on her knees. Somehow, I stay with her, not letting up on what it is I'm doing to her body. When she gets my cock out of my boxer briefs, I groan loudly, thankful to finally have some room.

"Stop," she whispers, and just like that I don't do anything.

Then she lifts off of me, taking her sleep shorts completely off, and then straddles me again. This time, she moves the soaked cotton panel of her underwear to the side and takes the tip of my dick, rubbing against it, getting both her and me off. We grind against each other, kissing, licking, scratching, sucking, doing whatever we can to help make the experience better. Just as I'm sure I can't take anymore, we both come against one another. She gasps against my ear, this hot intake of breath with a surprised squeal that will likely do it for me every fucking time.

The moan torn from my throat is one of complete and utter depletion and the realization that nothing will ever be the same again, and there's no way I'd want it to.



It's the first snowfall of the year, and I'm excited to wake Val up and see what her reaction is. The land our newly finished house sits on has a direct path that leads to the train trestle, and I'm planning on taking her out there today. So that we can check to see if our names are still there or not. It's been almost two years since we put our initials there, but I'm hopeful.

Once I have everything ready, I've taken it out to the trestle, and I've made sure that Nolan is going to keep watch, I head back to the house. When I walk inside, I'm surprised to see Val sitting on the couch, nursing a cup of coffee.

"Morning." I grin over at her, stomping my feet on the ground to get the snow off. "Did I wake you up when I left?"

"No." She yawns. "I'm so tired."

"You should've woken me up for the feeding at two. I saw the text message you left." I have a seat next to her, putting my arm around her, and pulling her into my side. "Thanks for leaving me the text that Rod came and got Vivian. It was a blur when I woke up and went to the nursery, looking for her. Before I started freaking out, I happened to pull up your messages."

Dipping my chin into my chest, I kiss the top of her head. "You needed the sleep, and we could both use an afternoon away from our daughter. I love her, but I miss just being able to do whatever we want. We haven't been able to do that for the past eight months."

"True." She stretches her legs out. "But we knew that was going to happen when we saw that positive pregnancy test. You're cold."

My nerves are causing my hands to slightly shake, and my stomach is making odd noises. "Yeah, it's snowing out there." I laugh. "Speaking of. We haven't taken a walk in a long time together. Would you like to? It's so peaceful."

"Yeah." She smiles. "I'd love to spend some time with you."

An hour later we're out in nature, heading toward the train trestle. "Do you know where we're going?" I ask, knowing that she's horrible with directions. It's a good thing our phones are hand held maps. Since she got her license, she's used it more than anyone I've ever met.

"I think the train trestle, but I'm not sure."

Color me surprised. "Look at you knowing the directions to get there."

She laughs, throwing her head back. "I know, sometimes I surprise myself."

We hold hands as we pick our way through the woods, and when we get to the trestle, there's Nolan. "Everything's set up for you. Have fun, kids."

"Thanks, man." We bump fists.

Val doesn't say anything, she just waits for me to tell her what we're doing. She's learned to trust me through our time being together. We walk toward where we put our initials, and she gasps, seeing the breakfast I've set up for us.

"What is all this?"

"A thank you for what you do for this family. For being the best mother, and partner there is. I thought it'd be interesting to see if our initials are still there, it's been longer than a year."

"I'm going to be heartbroken if it isn't." She sticks out her bottom lip.

We start searching around the spot where we put our initials so long ago. "It's right here." I point to the heart I made. "We're destined to be together." I grin down at her.

"We knew that with or without the train trestle." She pushes her hair out of her face, and turns to admire the snow-covered terrain around us.