Page 33 of Vaughn

"We're going to start helping board stuff up." Abel says, gesturing to Boone and Barrett.

"We're going to start cleaning up." Weston says as he glances over at Jasper. "And Nolan is on his way with his trailer. He's got Annabelle with him to help watch children."

"Yeah, I'll put my name in that hat too." Daisy raises her hand from behind the guys. "The Hamilton Foundation is open and willing to help house, as well as take care of any kids who need it."

"I typically work behind a bar, but I'm sure I can figure out serving all of this." Alexis says as she walks behind the counter. "Give me something to do."

These are my best friends, the family I've chosen, and at this moment, I know if I ever need them for anything they'll be there. One of the most important things that can be realized for a kid who lost his nuclear family when he least expected it.



After the stress of the last week, we all need to let our hair down a little. "Are you coming with us tonight?" I ask Gabby as we finish up closing. "We're going to Monroe's."

"Barrett said something about it yesterday, but I'm so tired." She yawns, as she says the words. "I told him he was welcome to go without me, but this is the reality of dating an older woman." She smirks.

I laugh loudly, rolling my eyes. "What did he say to you?"

"Said something about me being an idiot, and he knows I'm not that old." She looks around to see if anyone is listening to us, or if there's any stragglers in the building. When she sees that we're alone, she leans in. "I have a secret, you have to promise you won't say anything to anyone. I haven't told Barrett yet."

My stomach is shaky as I listen to her. People have never trusted me with their secrets, more than likely because I've never trusted anyone with mine. "My loyalty is to you, not Barrett, so you don't have to worry about me saying anything to anyone."

Her eyes meet mine, and relief is apparent. "I think I'm pregnant."

"What?" I blink twice. I don't want to be super excited for her if she's not. "How are we feeling about this?"

She runs a hand through her hair. "Barrett and I haven't discussed it, and I honestly didn't think I'd be here at my age. I figured I'd have been there as a young twenty-something, but not now."

She hasn't answered my question, at least not in a way that gives a definite idea of how she's feeling, so I ask again. "Are you happy?"

"I think so." She swallows hard, her eyes shining. "I wasn't sure I'd ever be ready for it, but at the same time I think this is one of those things where if you want until you're ready, you're never going to be."

"I understand what you're saying in the grand scheme of things, but babies are used as a tool from where I come from. It's almost as if they're a piece of currency. People look at you if you have a bunch of kids, and they see you as abundant, and fulfilling your duty. It's hard for me to look at a child as anything else, but I know normal people aren't like that."

"No." She rubs at her stomach. "We aren't like that at all. I'm terrified and worried about how I'm going to afford a kid."

I give her a smile. "You'll figure it out. Good parents always do. Are you going to take a test?"

She holds one up from where she's been hiding it behind her back. "I just need to get the guts."

"Do it, then at least you'll know the answer." I would want to know for sure.

"Isn't it better to be ignorant?" She pulls her bottom lip in between her teeth.

"No, not when it comes to being pregnant, Gabs. Go do it."

When she comes out of the bathroom, she's holding the test. "Look at it." She shoves it in front of me so I can read it. "Are you happy?"

She nods slowly. "Yeah, but keep this between us?"



We've been at Monroe's for an hour, and we've all had a few drinks, when I curl my finger for Vaughn to lean in closer. "I have to go to the restroom."

"Alright." He taps my hip, because I'm sitting on his knee. "Want me to go with you? It's crazy in here tonight, and there's still some linemen that came in to help with the cleanup. They're always looking for either a good time, or to cause some trouble."