I glance over at him. We're at a stoplight, so he's looking at me. Really looking, as if he's trying to crack the code to a locked box. "I don't know if I'm ready to tell that story yet." Admitting that is hard. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready, and I'm worried that the people I think of as friends will get sick of waiting. "It's hard." I swallow roughly. "I didn't come from a situation that I think any of you believe I did."
He reaches over slowly, barely allowing our hands to touch. "Well, when you're ready, I'm here."
"Thank you. I know that some things I say and do are weird, but it's what I'm used to." I lick my lips, turning my hand over. He surprises me by closing his fingers around mine so that we're holding hands. I've never done this before.
Vaughn seems to realize that something is different. "Is this okay?"
The gruff man I'm used to talking to and seeing is asking me if holding my hand is alright? "Yeah." My voice is impossibly soft. I wonder if he can hear what I've said, but he turns back toward traffic and eases onto the gas.
My head is spinning. I've never touched a man like this before, and although it's just our palms and fingers, there's a pinch between my legs. I've felt it before, but never as acutely as I do right now. My breasts are achy and tender, nipples tight. I wish I had more experience with this, if this is normal to feel. Letting a shaky breath out, I close my eyes and center my wayward emotions, a trick I've been using since I was a kid.
I don't realize we've parked until he shuts the truck off. "Ready to go in?"
Opening my eyes, I glance around and nod. "Sure am."
"Don't touch that door. I'll come around to you." He gets out and jogs around the front of the truck.
While I wait for him to reach my door, I allow myself to look at him without shame. I admire the muscular arms; the ink covering his body, including his neck, the way the worn jeans hang slightly off his waist, to the dirty boots. I've never seen him wear anything other than those jeans or boots. It's an intimacy I'd love to be privy to, but one I haven't been able to enjoy yet. Swallowing roughly when he opens the door, I paste a smile on my face. "Thank you."
"No problem. You ready?" He grabs my hand, helping me down.
"To go grocery shopping? Always."
He chuckles, and as we walk toward the entrance, he slings his arm across my shoulders and tucks me in against his side. My heart pounds, my stomach churns, and my body is awakened. This is the closest I've ever been to a man who isn't family, and because ofthisman, I'm hooked.
If I'm not mistaken, Valentina is turned on by me just touching her. I've had a lot of experience, not bragging, just telling the truth. I've had a lot of fun in my life, especially with the bucket bunnies when I have to travel out of state. It's easy to have a quick fling, and then come back here to my normal life without having strings.
I haven't had strings since I was a teenager and my mom cheated on my dad. She ruined our family because she was bored. We have a better relationship now, but I still harbor ill feelings toward her. Dad has never been the same since she left.
From everything I understand about Val, she's sheltered, but I didn't realize how sheltered until her pupils dilated when I grabbed her hand and stroked it with my finger. I might be fucking oblivious to a lot, but one thing I know is when a woman is hot for me. Valentina most definitely was.
We went to the grocery store. "You want your own buggy, or can we share?"
She eyes the cart I've picked. "I guess that's big enough for the both of us."
"Considering I make it on cereal, frozen waffles, and makeshift charcuterie boards, I think we're good." I turn ittoward the front of the store. "Can we start at fruits and veggies first, or do you have an objection? Are you one of those people who wants to start on the aisles first? If that's the case, we might not be friends anymore, Val." I put my palm on my chest. "And that would break my heart."
Her laugh causes her to wrinkle her nose. It's so damn cute. "No, I don't like to start in the middle of the aisles. What kind of person do you take me for? There is a very particular process for grocery shopping. There's no way you do the aisles before you do the outside perimeter."
"Oh thank God, I was worried we wouldn't be able to see each other anymore." I exaggerate, putting my forearm to my forehead and act like I'm about to pass out.
"You're ridiculous." She reaches over and slaps her hand against my stomach. "I can't believe you'd let that affect our friendship."
I'm torn between trying to figure out if she's serious or if she's playing just like me. There are so many times when I look at her and think she's in on the joke, but I know there are other instances where she's completely confused. "I wouldn't, you know that, right?" Instead of trying to determine what she's really meaning, I'll ask her.
She nods, swallowing, but her mouth in a line shows that she doesn't, really.
"I'll make a deal with you, Val. You be honest with me, and let me know all the things you're confused about, and I'll tell you about them. I've watched you a lot." I grip the handle of the cart, trying to figure out how I want to say these things to her. "Sometimes you definitely get what's being said to you, there are others, where you're unsure. I'm curious why you aren't sure, why you seem to not have the same normal life experiences as other people. I have my theories." I lean in so that our faces are close to one another, and it wouldn't take much for me ourlips to meet. "But I'm not sure if you're ready to hear those yet. I promise I'm not trying to push you into doing something you don't want to. I want to know you, Val, on your terms, on your time, but I am curious. Beyond curious."
Her eyes dart from side to side, almost as if she's afraid that someone is looking for her. "I realize you want to know, and you deserve to know, but I'm not ready for that yet, Vaughn."
I grip the handle of the cart tighter. "What is it going to take for you to trust me, Val? I want to know not because of you, but because of me. Let me be the person you come to when you have a problem, and if you're scared about something. I don't know why, because I've never felt responsible for another person in my life, but I want to be responsible for you." I'm breathing heavily when I finish my words to her, as if I've run a marathon or worked out with the guys.
She smiles slowly. "You don't realize it, but you're already that for me, Vaughn. So many look at you as if they're scared to get too close to you, when all I want to do is to be close. I just don't trust myself enough with you yet."