“My father insisted that their restless spirits would haunt the cave fer all eternity. But I think he conjured the tale in order to keep us away.”
“Well, it probably wasn’t safe fer two mischievous lads to be here on their own,” Davina concluded.
“A fair point. However, I also believe he enjoyed taking my mother here and wanted to make certain he had privacy.”
As Davina looked again at the pool, she could not help but agree that it was the ideal spot for lovers to frolic. “Haunted or not, I’m glad that ye remembered where to find the cave. I was near frozen being outside in the cold wind.”
“Never fear, I know precisely how to get ye warm.”
“James,” she scolded.
His brow lifted mockingly. “Ye have a most wicked mind, Lady Davina.”
“I, on the other hand, am a most practical man. A few minutes in this water is all ye need to be warm again. Now, come here and I’ll help ye undress.”
The promise of warmth overcame any trepidation she had about removing her clothing. Teeth chattering, she followed his command. He flung her wet cloak over a large boulder, then knelt before her. She put her hands upon his shoulders and braced herself against him as he tugged her leather boots off her feet, then removed the wet woolen stockings. Wiggling her aching toes, Davina began rubbing her feet together.
Next off was her gold circlet and short veil. The thin fabric was already dry in some places, most likely because of the speed at which they had run through the forest. Gazing longingly at the warm water, she presented her back to James, but the wet laces of her gown were neigh impossible to untie.
“Cut them,” she said wearily.
“Nay, I can loosen them if ye just stand still,” James insisted stubbornly.
Davina stood quietly, feeling his fingers fumbling with the wet knots. She was about to repeat her request that he simply cut them, when she felt the fabric give way.
“Leave my chemise,” she requested, suddenly feeling an unexpected shyness at standing naked before him.
He ignored her, stripping her of her final garment. He tossed it toward a flat rock. From the corner of her eye, Davina saw it glance off the top and slide to the ground. In an effort to keep her modesty, she crossed her arms and clutched her breasts as she approached the pool, but James seemed unaffected by the sight of her unclothed body.
She sat at the edge, dangling her legs in the water. It was hot! Davina was contemplating the best way to get immersed in this glorious warmth when she felt James standing behind her.
“Let me help ye,” he said briskly.
His hands spanned her waist and he gently lowered her into the pool. She kicked anxiously, feeling for the bottom as the water rose higher and higher, then sighed with relief when her feet touched solid rock.
The water lapped over her shoulders and her flesh tingled at the heat, prickling back to life. She turned and looked up at James, kneeling at the edge. Their eyes met. He dipped his hand into the water, swirling it through his fingers.
His hand touched her shoulder and she tensed. But it felt so tender, she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the sensual stroke of his strong fingers.
“Are ye going to join me?” she asked.
He leaned forward. A tremor moved through her and awareness sprang to life. Davina knew that she must be blushing fiercely. To hide her embarrassment, she flicked her fingers and splashed him playfully. Water droplets ran down his cheek, though a few clung stubbornly to his lashes. He looked young and boyish.
“I’ll wait fer my turn until ye’re finished,” he replied.
He stood and walked away. She watched him scour the cave, collecting a few small branches and what appeared to be a fur blanket. As he stacked the wood in a small pile, she realized he was going to try to light a fire.
“Is it safe?” she asked.
“Aye. I’d forgotten how high it is in here. If I keep the blaze small, by the time the smoke escapes through the top of the cave, it will be too weak to be seen.”
Trusting his word, Davina pushed herself off the edge of the pool. She stretched out on her back and floated, letting the warmth surround her, wishing she had some soap. It felt wonderful to rinse the muck from the loch off her body and out of her hair. But the pool water in which she now swam had a decidedly mineral odor, reminiscent of rotten eggs.
Davina drifted to the center of the pool, then cautiously swam back to the edge. She could see that James had been most successful in his endeavors—a small fire was burning directly under the opening in the cave ceiling.
It would provide a bit of warmth in the vast space, but more importantly aid in drying their clothes. Now that she was delightfully warm, the idea of putting on her cold, wet garments was most distasteful.