Any who, I’ve got good news, we managed to kill two more Sins, Greed Gluttony and Envy. So, our part is practically done. I’m not sure when exactly you are getting this message, so I won’t add anything else.
All I know is, I need a damn vacation as I’m sure you understand. I wish I could tell you we are going to get what we want if we make it out of this, but who knows. I say we take our vacay. Just not in Hell. That place sucks. I wish you the best of luck. Thanks again for giving me your clothes during the Demon Trials, you saved my life.
Good luck
I smiled.I wished they could help in this battle, but they did their part. We were one step closer to beating Lucifer. I told the others. It was exactly what we needed, some good news.
My demon held back my emotions for me, so I could focus on the battle ahead. The moment had finally come. I strapped on my discreetly placed weapons and drank the smoothie my mates demanded I drank. Before we left, I went back in the room to kiss Kain’s forehead. My heart ached, begging him to get up, to get just get up and come with us.
I pressed my lips to his ear. “Please, let that dream have been real. You promised to come back to me, and demons must keep their promises.” My voice was barely a whisper, but I prayed to Goddess Nyx to help him.
I turned, sending confidence through our bonds, and sauntered out to my mates. All their eyes went to me as I approached. “Let’s go kill us Lucifer Fucking Morningstar.”
The grounds behind the academy had been transformed into an arena like area with seats that circled the stage and the grounds. I looked down from the first row. There were dozens of different Nati Demons and soldiers posted all around.
Something is up. This doesn’t look like a gathering for a sacrifice. Normally, it’s a party. There are too many guards here too.The others agreed with him. It all had me on edge.
I focused on the bond with Demarcus, pulling on his mind when he didn’t respond. I needed to know they were okay.
Where is Demarcus and Lilah?They hadn’t responded to my calls or bond knocks since I woke up.
I’m not sure. I haven’t heard from Brandon in a couple of days. The last Trigger spoke to Demarcus was yesterday. He didn’t respond earlier,Bones explained.Don’t be too worried. Brandon said he might lock her and himself in the salve Haven before the fight.
That wasn’t right. Lilah would tell me, or she’d get another person to message me. My anxiety rose, making my body go into flight or fight mode. I needed to find them. Before I could stand,music blared out of the speakers. The voice I wish I never had to hear again came through as well.
“Welcome, little demons. It is time for the sacrifice. Hell is a unique realm. We are not beautiful like the fae, or suppressive like Autioma. No, demons are powerful. We’re deadly, and our word means something. How can we make deals otherwise?” I rolled my eyes. We had all heard this before. Even people with no demon blood in them understood demons kept their word, but we always looked for loopholes.
Demons were prideful when it came to respect. The currency in Hell was based off a demon’s ability to do things, such as kill, and control souls, land, slaves, and factions. All these things gave us power because they were all respected, not just magical ability. There was no way a demon could keep any of these things without being challenged, so they also needed to be formidable. That was why we followed the strict letter of the law but not the spirit of the law, we took any advantage we could find or create without getting punished. The hierarchy kept the ruthless, fiercest demons from killing everyone because they couldn’t be superior without subordinates.
“Some of you might have forgotten what it means to be a demon. Without rules, we are all dead. To remind you to follow the rules, we must find the most powerful faction. They’ll be the only ones to survive today.”
Gasps exploded around us.Did he just say that everyone is going to die today except for one faction?
Yes. We need to get out of here,Dex said. His worry was a poison in my veins, darkening and demanding I run away.
No, we stick to the plan. No one knows we have all the slaves on our side setting traps for them, monsters waiting to be let in, or that most of the Sins are dead and the others won’t help Lucifer. This is our best shot. We just need to wait.Bonescommanded. He wanted this shit to be over, but I was afraid that we were missing something.
But, without Kain, I don’t feel right.I tried to explain, but both him and Trigger didn’t want to wait.
You never know what will happen. I left several spells going to help him. They may work,Trigger said but even he didn’t sound convinced. I appreciated the gesture, though. I didn’t tell them about the dream because I didn’t want to get their hopes up.
Fine.I called all my faction members to meet us in the right corner. The people that were hidden and had jobs would stay there. We didn’t want everyone in one place. It’d be too easy to kill us. Surprise was our biggest advantage.
Demarcus still didn’t answer, and I didn’t know where Lilah was at. Her and her men were supposed to stay hidden, performing a guerilla-warfare attack with a few others, but I should still be able to communicate with them. Maybe they went off script and they were fucking? No. That didn’t account for the lack of being able to connect. I was low-key panicking.
Trigger grabbed my hand as he stood, the rest of my mates following. This didn’t feel right. My gut turned into knots, but we had no choice. Lucifer needed to be stopped. He’d kill everyone in Hell at this rate.
“Every faction leader put in your faction’s area location, now.” That was the Headmaster’s voice. A wave of anger and irritation hit me because he didn’t fucking warn me, but I knew he couldn’t have.
I slowed while going into the crowd that frantically made their way to the ground, as I typed in the spot I chose before anyone could take it. It was the closest to the exit and had the most space, if we needed to fight. The crowd’s fear was stifling as they tried to switch to bigger factions or find a way out of the arena thing, we were in. The guards wouldn’t let that happen.Considering, they were all once students here, I’d think they would have more compassion, but they were more brutal than the Nati Demons, killing anyone that tried to escape.
I made it to the designated place, happy to see the massive number of people there. Even people that weren’t in my faction stood there. The hope and fear in their eyes were palpable. I wouldn’t turn anyone away. If anything, it’d help me win.
I stood at the front with my mates. Trigger wrapped his arms around my waist. His face pressed in my neck, breathing deep. I centered him, and if Kain was here, my mates would have done the same for me. Without him, my nerves couldn’t settle. I needed them all.
So, we attack before he kills a bunch of people, right?I asked. I knew I was in charge, but we were working as a team.