“Not happening. I work alone.” My tone was harsh and said she better drop the subject.
Cole snorted. “Not happening, right back at you, Novem.” The icy way he said my name made me take a step back. “We’re doing this together.”
My eyes narrowed. “No, we’re not.” Any chance of me working with them went out the window at his demanding tone. He could fuck right off.
“You need to just talk to Cole and tell him what’s going on.”
My heart skipped a beat. Cole must have seen my intentions because he snatched the phone away from me. I went to grab it when Dominic and Ezra stepped in my way.
“Don’t you say shit, Bell!” I yelled.
All of the men scowled down at me. I didn’t care if they thought I was the shit under their boots. My business was mine.
“I’m so sorry, Novem, but if you do this alone, you’ll die.”
I didn’t hear what else she said. My flight or fight went into high gear, and I chose fight. My fist slammed into Dominic’s face. He stumbled away but didn’t go down. Ezra moved to grab me, so I elbowed him in the face. Both of the men must have been fighting together for years, because they descended on me like a well-oiled machine.
When one struck, the other covered their weak spots. I couldn’t gain any ground, but if the surprise in their eyes was any indication, they thought they could take me down easily. Even with surprise on my side, they kept me away from Cole.
I tried to not like how my muscles strained, and how the exhilaration of a worthy opponent coursed through my blood, pumping me with dopamine. Bell’s next words had me freezing in my attack. She had already told him about the vampires and what was at stake for Novem and the Blood Widow, keeping my secret even now. I had to appreciate the loyalty, but if she continued…
“She came to me for help when she fell in love with you Cole.”
I wasn’t the only one that froze.
“Don’t, Bell. You know what will happen if you do.” My words were defeated. I almost wanted her to, just so it would be over. Maybe Cole would realize why he needed to stay away from me.
“This situation has changed. You can’t do this alone, and he is the only one I know that would never leave your side.”
Hopelessness seeped into my bones. Dominic had wrapped his arms around me at some point and instead of holding me back, he was keeping me standing.
“Has the outcome changed?” I knew it wouldn’t, but I had to ask. Just in case.
“Then keep your fucking mouth shut.”
She sucked in a surprised gasp. Even at our worst moments, I’ve never given her a warning with my voice. It was always playful, but not this time. If she told Cole why I stayed away from him, it could kill him. If he didn’t agree with me and stayed instead of leaving me. He’d die. It would kill any goodness I had left in me. I wouldn’t survive knowing I killed the only man I ever loved.
“Don’t listen to her. I need to know. Like you said, she won’t survive on her own. I need to break down this last barrier.” Cole’s voice was determined, but there was a hint of desperation there as well. He had no idea what he was asking for.
“Knowing that I’m going to be caught or hunted by the vamps isn’t enough?” It was my last attempt to save him. Fuck, I hoped when he heard he’d be smart and leave.
“No. Just like being your friend isn’t enough for me. I want all the information, especially if it has to do with me.” Cole’s words were desperate.
I sighed, nodding at the phone like Bell could see me. Like I knew she would, she somehow sensed my forfeit.
“Novem was falling for you fast. She didn’t want to make a mistake, so she asked me to consult my seers to see if she should tell you how she felt.” Cole eyes never left mine. “Do you want to finish Novem?”
I sighed again. “I fucking hate you.”
“Yes, I know.”
I met Cole’s green eyes, the despair I felt when I found out came back, soaking my limbs in sludge. “You die, Cole.” My eyes grew blurry and stung. “If you stay by my side, you die.” Dominic held me tighter as tears fell down my face. I was too emotionally exhausted to even care. Why did they have to do this right now? We should be talking about how to save Brian, not my utterly lonely life.