Something like the Alpha’s daughter killing the prince of demons was an extreme secret. I could buy a whole damn city with it. Whereas the secret of the vampire king having a mistresswould get me a bag of chips, because everyone knew that information. Except maybe his wife.
But the magic in the necklace only changed my scent slightly. I didn’t think Ezra knew the Blood Widow was Novem, but I’d still have to be careful. Different smelling products would help.
“Hey Beaut, do you know how to change your scent?” I asked out of curiosity as I fiddled with my new nails. They were too long. The worried look she flashed my way told me she knew why I was asking.
She ran her hand through her hair. “No, I don’t even know anyone that can. The best I could do is have you take a jasmine hot bath and wear lots of perfume.”
I nodded. Cole might have known, but if he thought I was in trouble, he’d never leave my side. I missed him and what we could have had, and having him nearby like that, without the ability to act on it would suck. It’d be like putting water in front of a person just found in the desert, almost dead.
“Okay, I’ll try that.” My tone was bland like I didn’t have a care in the world.
The ring the Alpha had was no longer linked to Beaut, and the healing potion she gave me for my shoulder had done its job. She still didn’t seem to want to leave. She really was too smart for her own good.
My eyes roamed over her as she walked around my room. The worry lining her face made me sigh. “I’m okay, you know.”
She stiffened. “Of course, you are. A cum dripper like you is always okay, but I’m going to spend the night, anyway. I got a boy toy at my place and don’t want to see him.” She snapped her fingers, and her silk pillow and small bed set materialized on my bed. “You better not snore, or I’ll rip that cookie-licking tongue right out of you.”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “So, I guzzle up cum and lick cookies. I get around.”
She snickered and hopped into bed. By that I mean, she jumped and grabbed my bedding and rock-climbed up to the top. I’d offer to help, but I liked both of my eyes.
“Hey, I don’t judge what goes on in your sex life, but I say the more the merrier. Genders be damned.” She snuggled into her red silk sheets and softly snorted.
I needed to take a shower. New bodies felt like opening new undies, they were much better after a wash.
I didn’t stare long at myself in the mirror. I was too thin in this skin with no muscles. It reminded me of my days on the run, and I didn’t want to have a panic attack.
My lips were smaller, my eyes were smaller, and my nose was a little bigger. My face was rounder and cheekbones less pronounced. Now, I understood what my witch friend meant when she said the clear crystal was for hiding. This form was average and easily overlooked.
If I wore glasses, I’d look like a college student who got bullied all the time. Oh well. It was for the best. I may not like it, but it was the new me.
I scrubbed everything and found two birthmarks in weird places. One under my right boob and another on the crease between my legs. I kinda felt awkward about finding them. This was another person’s form. I had no right to know those marks.
She gave me two other forms I could take. One was a red crystal and the other green, but she said if I really needed to hide, to wear the clear crystal. I’ve never tried them on. It’d be nice if I could choose who I wanted to be, but that would have cost me another five secrets. It wasn’t worth it.
I got out and readied myself for bed by cleansing my face, moisturizing, and brushing my teeth. Every time I met my own gaze in the mirror, I missed my yellow eyes even more.
I had a lot to figure out tomorrow. Was it time to leave the big city where the most crime happened? Was it time to give upthe Blood Widow? Could I become a farmer? I rolled my eyes at my thoughts. That idea was ridiculous. I knew nothing about farming. I’d only just learned to make breakfast food for fuck’s sake.
All jokes aside, I needed to decide whether or not I should run. I was pretty sure the wolves would hunt me down. Yeah, I might have helped them, but the secret I held was far too great. Ezra would want to keep me from having that kind of power.
I didn’t blame him. His daughter’s life and the safety of his people was on the line. I was nothing but trouble to him.
I set my alarm and climbed into bed. The soft fabric eased my worries for now. I sighed and let the knot in my chest loosen. I might have been worried, but I was even more exhausted. I’d been burning the candle at both ends for too long without a true break.
“You overgrown cow,” Beaut mumbled in her sleep.
I smiled. I didn’t deserve my friends, but I thanked the universe every day that I had them. I didn’t know what would happen next. What I did know was I’d keep them safe. Even if that meant I wasn’t.
My phone chirping had me rolling over in bed to grab it off the floor. My heart stopped at Bell’s name on the screen. What did she want?
Beaut snorted in her sleep. I glanced her way. Her butt was in the air and drool dripped into her messy, bedhead green hair. I got up and went into the living room so I wouldn’t wake her.
The text message told me to call her, so I did. She probably didn’t expect me to get back to her so soon because it took several rings for her to answer. She had to hush someone before talking to me.