"Fine," she sighs, "but you will be answering the questions tomorrow. Night, Arabella."
"Goodnight, Bella," Harper smiles, pulling Isis over to the couches.
I'll take that as a win tonight. Tomorrow is a whole new day, and I'm starting to think it could be the start of a whole new me. "Goodnight, guys," I call out before shutting my door softly.
Maybe this new school isn't going to be such a bad thing after all.
Chapter 9
Many years ago, even centuries ago, the Angels were a lawless race, just like the other races. We weren't contained to just Aeris and the Angel lands. We roamed free and did as we pleased. Some Angels chose to stay to themselves and live their life in peace, others tried to control the other races to the best of their abilities. The Angels that lived near our current-day Aeris were some of the first who had banded together to create a colony. They lived in peace but always wanted more. They fought for their land, to carve a small piece for themselves to protect themselves and the few young that they had.
The texts in the library say that those angels were the first Seraphim, our leaders, and those who could speak with the Divine. I call bullshit on it. I think they were just the harshest angels who knew how to use their powers in a way to manipulate others. I can't prove it, but I've seen the stories in the journals from my older family members. One of them had belonged to that very first settlement and even helped them fight their way to more land. He never once said that they forced others to call them Seraphim but it was implied.
I hated knowing my family was capable of something so terrible like that. It explains where I got my manipulation powers from, and I knew I never wanted to be like that. I would never stoop to their level and mistreat others. I would give up the Seraphim title in a heartbeat if I could without risking my mate.
This is my second time reading this journal from the beginning and I'm still just as confused. The words on these pages make it seem like the Angels were the bad guys. All my years of schooling said the opposite. They said one day we were lawless, and the Seraphim banded together to create a safe haven for Angels, but this makes it sound as if they forced the laws on others, angels and other species alike. This may be why the Angels claim to be the superior race because they bullied their way into the title. It actually sort of makes sense with how my father acts.
Also, what manipulation power are they talking about? I've never heard of it, not in any of my classes or any of the readings I have done. I tried to search the books here at the Academy and nothing exists on it, or at least nothing that I've found yet, which is extremely irritating. Skipping further ahead, I flip to the section I know the author wrote about the powers.
I tried hiding it. For the past six months, my powers over emotional manipulation have been growing exponentially. At first, I thought by hiding them from everyone, including my family, I was doing them a favor. Now, I think I've done everyone a disservice. Controlling the power is getting more and more difficult every day. Just this morning I was with my best friend and she was complaining about all the stress she was under. In a split second, that stress was gone, and she was acting like a new person all because my power slipped out, and I wished for her to no longer feel that stress. The second I realized what happened, I ran. She called after me and tried tofollow but when I took to the skies I lost her. For two days, I hid in the skies, flying from mountain to mountain trying to find some semblance of peace, a balance within myself. Nothing worked.
If it hadn't been for my father sending the archangels after me, I would have hidden longer. They forced me to return with them. My father spent two days questioning me as to why I would run off. Why I would try to hide and not return? I couldn't give them an answer, or at least not one that he found satisfactory. I was scared to admit I was losing control of my powers. I knew what would happen if I couldn't control them and that wasn't a risk I would take.
Whoever this author is, they sound exactly like me. The tough family life, though not a mention of abuse, the inability to control all of their powers, and being afraid of them. That is me. For the longest time, I thought I was the only one going through these struggles, that there was something wrong with me that the Divine missed when making all angels. I was terrified that it wouldn't get better, that I was all alone.
One of the things this journal has taught me so far is that I'm not alone, far from it. Other angels out there have struggled with the same thing as me, just different powers. I've also learned that everything the angels have been teaching us is manipulated, or at least parts of it. What the Fallen Angels were saying in class today could be the truth, at least according to this journal.
I can't decide which is scarier, that the Fallen are correct or that the Angels who rule us are capable of such a terrible lie. Neither is a good option. If this news were to get out, it would mean the possible downfall of the angels. Chaos would ensue and a war would begin. The Seraphim will never give up their control, and I know that many angels would side with them but there would also be a large portion who would fight for change. That alone terrifies me.
Anger, fear, sadness, joy, all of the emotions tumble through me on repeat trying to sort through my thoughts and decide what the best course of action is. If I continue down this path, I could learn more. That knowledge though could force me to become a fallen, or it would mean I could rise up and be the change I've always wanted to be. Would the risk be worth it?
I have no idea.
One thing that I do know is that the answer isn't going to find me tonight. Reading this journal isn't going to give me the answers either. I could talk to Harper and Isis about it but I don't want to drag them into something. We all have our own things to work through before going back home. No matter what it would need to be their choice, but I know if I take the route of telling them, then I need more research to back up my claims. This journal and the questions from the Fallen won't be enough evidence. It shouldn't even be enough to convince me. If I was back home it wouldn't be. Why it is now, I have no idea. Maybe it’s because I’m desperate for a way to continue to separate myself from my father even more, I’m not sure.
"What am I supposed to do, Divine? How can this be the plan you have for our lives? Why did you let this happen? Did you?" I softly question out loud as I close the journal and put it inside my nightstand.
Looking at the clock beside me I realize it's three in the morning. Once again it will be a night of little sleep. I know eventually my body will crash and require me to sleep, but one more night of only a couple hours should be good enough. Now I only hope that my dreams will be peaceful and I can find some sleep. That's been the issue for several nights in a row, my dreams keeping me awake. I can feel a change coming and it feels like everything is about to get worse before it gets better.
Hopefully, the world won't change too much when it happens and the Angel Realm will remain standing in the end.
Chapter 10
Wednesday equals one of the worst days of the week. The plus side means the week is halfway over, the downside is that I still have two more days to survive. Being at RISE really hasn't been that terrible yet, but I am ready for the weekend to relax with the girls. I didn’t expect the academy to be so similar to school back in Aeris. I was expecting to graduate this year, but now I’m not sure when I’ll be done with school. Which is one of the reasons why I’m desperate for the weekend. Back home I had a few girlfriends to do things with. Here I have Isis and Harper, who have been amazing so far.
Both of them had left early this morning. I heard the door shut right before I rolled over and let sleep claim me for just a little longer. I got the luck of the draw having a late morning class so I could sleep in slightly. I am still exhausted after staying up until three in the morning, but it's not as bad as it would have been if I had the early morning class again.
Today is the first day of my mentorship. Nowhere on my schedule does it state who my teacher is, the only thing listed is where to meet which is in the main building on the top floor. According to the campus map, that is where all the council members and the medical wing are located, which makes methink that my mentor is Councilwoman Talia. She didn't seem terrible during our first meeting but I'm still wary about her intentions and if she is on my side or my father's. I supposed we will find that out today. I really hope she is on mine.
After quickly getting dressed, I grab my bag and head downstairs. With a smile to the guard at the dorm entrance, I walk outside, relishing the smell of fresh air. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath, letting the scent of pine trees fill my lungs. The only thing that would make it better was if I could smell the ocean as well. That is one of my favorite places in the world and one of the best scents. It has always calmed me in my moments of need.
"Good morning, Little Angel," Noah, the guard from my first day, calls out beside me. I startle at the sound of his voice, and my heart rate rises to an uncomfortable level. I didn't see him outside when I exited the door, and if I had, I wouldn't have stopped to smell the fresh air. The dude gives me the creeps. This is the first time I’ve seen him since that first day. I hoped to continue avoiding him for the remainder of my stay here.
"Good morning, Guard Noah," I answer politely but with a clipped tone. Before he can say anything else, I turn away from him and begin walking to the main building. I'm hoping he gets the hint that I don't want to talk, but it appears he isn't.