"If you only knew," I mutter. "Do you all have a preference in rooms?" I need a change of subject. I don’t want to talk about my father or my life at home. No one knows how bad it truly was for me. Only Warrick is aware and he did everything in his power to protect me, but there was no protection from the beating that I took. There was no one there to make my mother believe in herself. Nothing could save any of us, and I wouldn’t focus on it now.
"No, you can take the first pick," Harper answers before Isis can.
"Thanks," I mumble, moving to the first room I see. It's off the left side, just next to our small kitchen area. "I'll just take this one." Opening the door, I step inside and see that some items have already been placed on it. Immediately, I step back not wanting to intrude. It looks like the staff wasn't kidding when they said our belongings would be in our rooms already, which means I need to find the room that has nothing in it.
"Uh, I don't think that's my room." I turn to look at the girls. "There's already stuff on the bed belonging to one of you all."
"I'm not really sure why there would be stuff in the room, considering my stuff is sitting right there," Isis points to a pile of belongings sitting in front of the three barstools lining the kitchen island.
"Yeah, and my stuff is over there by the window," Harper adds, pointing toward the French doors that open to our balcony.
"Well, then, whose stuff is in the room? My dad said I wasn't allowed to bring anything with me, and all items would be provided. I assumed that just meant school supplies, uniforms, toiletries, and bedding." I'm very confused now. There are only three rooms in our suite, so if someone's stuff is there, I must have been placed in the wrong room. "Maybe I should go down and talk to the front desk?"
"Dude, all of this is your stuff, I think," Isis calls out. She moved quickly and was already in the bedroom, holding an envelope and waving it at me. "This has your name on it."
"What?" My nose scrunches in confusion as I walk toward her. None of this makes any sense. "Who would give me all this?"
Grabbing the envelope from her hand, I flip it open and pull the note out. It doesn't take me long to skim the writing and realize this is all my stuff. Warrick pulled off a damn miracle and brought some things from home and some new stuff for me so I could be more comfortable than using whatever left-behind items the school had. Even with this new change, my best friend still looks out for me. I just wish I could have spoken to him before I left.
"We'll leave you to it," Isis mutters, sounding far away. I vaguely hear the door click shut as I sink to my knees in front of the bed, clinging to the letter for dear life.
I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to talk before you were sent to RISE Academy. I wanted to see you and wish you well, but there was no way I could get into your house last night. Your father had the place shut down. I only hopehe didn't hurt you as bad as my mind was leading me to believe. It was driving me insane knowing that you were in pain, and I couldn't help you. Even now, this is the best I could pull off. Your father is watching my every move, and I need to keep my head down for more. I'll reach out when I can, but please put these items to good use.
I managed to get a small bag of your items thanks to the housekeeper. I think it was the backpack you had already packed. The rest of these items are all brand new but fit you. Please enjoy them and put them to good use. Enjoy your time at the academy and be yourself. Now is your time to shine away from the limelight of your family. I'm rooting for you, and hope to bring you home soon.
P.S. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on your great-grandmother Aurora. No one will hurt her while you're gone. Not like anyone would be crazy enough to get close to her anyway. That old woman did always have a way of keeping the riff-raff away from her.
Over and over, I reread the words on the paper until my eyes are blurry, and I can't read them anymore. He really got me my stuff and will look after Aurora for me. That is everything I could have asked for and then some. I just wish he was here with me. Doing this without him is going to be hard. Even harder trying to find a way to be myself like he said. That's easier said than done. I guess there's a time for everything, and this is my time to shine.
Bringing myself up off the ground, I begin moving around the room and putting all the items he got me away, including the school uniforms.Ick.Warrick really didn't miss anything andeven got me some of the best bedding. It's soft but also cooling since he knows I tend to overheat at night. By the time I'm done, the sun has slowly started to sink behind the trees, and I'm exhausted. Tomorrow is another day to review all the school items left on my desk. Then I can study the map and look over my classes, so I know what to expect on Monday. Tonight, I just want to curl up into bed and rest my head where I'm safe and won't wake up to beatings or being handcuffed to my bed.
This is the start of something new and wonderful. Or so I hope.
Chapter 6
Most of Sunday, I spent hiding in my room, looking over all the material I was given for the school including the classes I'm taking and what is coming up to learn on the syllabus. All classes here are ongoing, and students come and go constantly based on when they were rejected and when they are "rehabbed." For the angels, it's pretty consistent since our mating ceremony only takes place once a year, which helps keep our classes consistent.
According to the welcome book, it's not like that for Fallen Angels. Their mating ceremonies take place whenever a couple is ready to go through with the ceremony. They don't even have rejection very often because it is up to the couple whether they want to go through with the mating. If they choose not to, then they just move on with their life. The only reason they even attend RISE Academy is because the Seraphim Council decreed it when Lucifer was cast out as a fallen, stating all fallen angels were required to attend the academy as a sort of finishing school to ensure they would follow the rules of the angels. That part surprised me when I read it. I knew the Seraphim treated themselves as better than everyone else, but I hadn't realized they still had such a stronghold over the fallen angels. I wouldhave thought that, with them being cast out,they would have been a species of their own.
After reading this handbook, I realized that almost everything the Angels have taught us is either wrong or changed to fit their narrative. I shouldn't be surprised at all, but I sure am pissed. If they lied about this, what else have they lied about? The only way to find out the answer is to ask questions while I’m here, too bad those questions will get back to my father. The other option is to explore the library in the main building. The welcome book says it’s two stories and filled with every book we could think of about all the species. Supposedly, nothing is forbidden knowledge, but I find that hard to believe.
"Arabella!" Isis calls at the same time she pounds on my bedroom door. Monday came quickly, and with it, the start of classes I have been extremely nervous about. "We need to go now, or we're going to be late! Get your ass in gear! You already missed breakfast as it is."
"I'm coming!" I shout back, rushing to grab my satchel from beside the desk where I placed it last night after putting in the books I would need for classes today. According to my schedule, I have a basic magic class and a combat class. Neither of which I’m excited for. I can only hope that my magic will cooperate today for the first class. As for combat, well I’m a pretty decent fighter but nowhere near as skilled as the Archangels. I prefer to keep my head buried in books rather than training to fight.
"Seriously, Arabella," Isis sighs and shakes her head when I exit my room. "You could have at least tried a little harder with your outfit today. It's our first day, and we need to make a good impression."
"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I question, looking down at my outfit and back up to her. Gone is my confidence with my outfit from Saturday when we arrived. Instead, I’m stuck wearing our boring school uniforms. The rumors about theacademy made it sound like there were no uniforms. Surprise, when I opened my closet to start putting away the items Warrick had gotten me, I found them hanging up inside. Since I was stuck wearing them, I went for comfort over cuteness today and chose a pair of black slacks and a white button-down shirt and added the yellow tie we are required to wear, marking us as part of the angel class.
"Ugh, girl, I knew I should have woken you up earlier so I could help you choose clothes. At least Harper got the memo, put on the cute black, yellow, and white plaid skirt, and did her makeup." Isis shakes her head in disappointment but drops the subject and moves toward our front door where Harper is already waiting for us.