Page 8 of Sweet

Purple Puppy:Why didn’t I ever think of that?

Purple Puppy:Would that be weird to message him out of the blue?

Orchid Mantis:Not if he’s someone you see regularly. Though I rescind my advice if he’s a customer or something. That would be unprofessional.

Hmm… Well, I do know Bailey through work, but we aren’t exactly coworkers. Then again, Jess actually is a coworker, and we hang out all the time. Maybe I can make up some bullshit excuse about seeing him in my suggested friends on social media. It’s a small town, after all.

Purple Puppy:I feel like you’re my wingman.

Orchid Mantis:AndI feel like you won’t figure out how you feel about this guy until you talk to him. Who knows? Maybe you’ll realize there’s no connection, and he’s a waste of your time.

Purple Puppy:Am I a waste of your time?

Yes, I know I’m needy. What of it? Mantis is the first guy to stroke my ego and nothing else. Being wanted feels nice, even if it’s only by a name on a screen.

Orchid Mantis:Never. You make my days more fulfilling and I enjoy our conversations. Plus, I think it’s helping me to have someone to talk to. Even if we stayed anon or just friends, I’d be happy to have met you.

Purple Puppy:Would you… want more than that?

Orchid Mantis:The more we talk, the more that answer shifts toward yes. At the same time, I enjoy what we have, and I don’t want to overanalyze it. I am open to seeing where this is headed.

Oh, deep breath. This is the nice part about being online. Mantis doesn’t have to see me as flustered as a teenager and twice as awkward over his honesty. And if this guy has me losing mental capacity, I mustreallylike him.

Purple Puppy:I think I would like that, too.

Purple Puppy:I don’t mean to run, but I’m leaving on a high note. I’ll message you when I get back home.

Orchid Mantis:I’ll be looking forward to it.

Orchid Mantis:But I need to check on the animals real quick. Want to see who finishes first?

Any other man, and I’d say that’s a line. Only, I know Mantis isn’t like that.

Purple Puppy:Yes. Race me.

Orchid Mantis:Okay, no cheating. I’m going to my front door first and you should head to your car or whatever.

Purple Puppy:Or what? Vespa? Broom?

Orchid Mantis:You said you’re broke, and cars are expensive. Not judging if you have to walk or use public transport.

Aww. I’m looking more at my screen than where I place my feet while I walk across the parking lot.

Orchid Mantis:Okay, I’m at my front door. Ready?

Purple Puppy:In my car. Key not yet in the ignition. Go!

I drop my phone onto the middle console and don’t even stop to fiddle with the radio this time. After I flick on my headlights, I reverse out of my parking spot. Since I closed tonight, I encounter little to no traffic on my way home. As soon as I’m parked, I snatch up my phone again and type.

Purple Puppy:I win.

Orchid Mantis:Only counts if you’re in your house. Your task was getting home.

Purple Puppy:Are you done with your animals?

Orchid Mantis:Almost. I still need to walk back to my place, too.

Ahh. I unbuckle my seatbelt and scramble out of the car. Within seconds, I’ve got the keys to my rental in my hand and I’m shoving my door open. Officially, home.