When I spit in my hand, he jerks away at the sound, then not even a moment later he’s right back to moaning as usual when I slide a finger inside him. I pause only to swipe lube from my nightstand, rubbing it along the length of my shaft and swiping the last bit between his ass cheeks.
“You sound like you want more real bad, Jess,” I say. After I pull my finger out, I go back to rubbing my hard cock against his hole but only ease the very tip inside. “Can you take more for me?”
Jess’s whole body shakes, but with me, the answer’s always been yes. Doesn’t matter what I’m asking. “Okay,” his voice warbles.
I push deeper, but not all the way, grabbing him by the hips and pulling his legs up over my thighs. Jess has to throw a hand back onto the mattress to brace himself, but as long as he keepshanging on to the back of my neck, he’s not going anywhere. He relaxes when I pause to kiss him, then linger there. I let my lips hover right against his mouth. “You’re going to take everything I give you. Won’t you, Jess?”
With a final thrust, I force my cock all the way into him. Jess pushes his hips away, but I’m already in him and he can only go so far when I’m holding his ass to keep him pinned against me. And Jess is just slim enough I can watch my cock bulge in his stomach when I thrust into him again and again. He whispers something that sounds like a chant of “I can’t” once I start moving.
“I know you can,” I whisper back. “And you’re going to come so hard while doing it.”
His wet cock bumps against my skin while my hips continue to move against him and gradually pick up speed. Even when his body shakes against mine, I don’t quit. I alternate between kissing him and pushing deeper while squeezing his ass. When he starts to tremble this time, his hips lift for more friction and he starts to moan.
“That’s it, Jess. You can do it.”
And the harder he moans, the harder I fuck him, until he’s caught between coming and whimpering. His symphony of sounds gets me right to the brink, so the second his orgasm hits, I’m chasing right after him. I’ve never come so hard and it quite literally takes my breath away. I don’t move after. I hold on to him instead, so we’re chest to chest while I ruffle my hand through his hair.
“Will, do you even like me?” Jess croaks.
“I like you so much, Jess,” I whisper before kissing the side of his head. “Thank you for putting up with me.”
The next morning we’re at the farmer’s market. The cold mornings have only gotten colder while the leaves start to change and drop. Right around the time we set down the last crate, Bailey wanders over with a smile and a wave. He looks so damn sweet in his plain zipped fleece, and I swear even the sight of him clothed makes me harder than most men can while naked. I awkwardly shift around in my jeans.
“Hi,” Bailey says. “Just wondering if you—”
“Yep, let’s go get it done right now.” Then I walk in the direction of his stand before he can object or Jess can ask me what I’m doing.
Jess not so subtly glares, anyway. I never actually told him my plan to keep helping Bailey out and maybe even get to know him in the process. Considering how things are with me and Jess, he’ll likely be even less supportive now than he has been in the past.
Bailey climbs into the bed of his truck and the way his body flexes while he moves is going to get me into so much trouble one day. Once again, we’re done unloading within minutes and Bailey is as appreciative as last time.
“Thanks so much,” he says.
“It’s not a big deal.” Except it is. We’re actually talking again today. Maybe we can hang out or even go on a date sometime. I just need to find the balls to ask him first.
“Still, it’s kind of you to do. You’re a really nice guy,” Bailey says while his eyes meet mine.
“And you’re sweeter than honey.”
The corner of his mouth twitches, but he rolls his lips in before smiling. “Not all honey is sweet.”
“That’s like saying not all skies are blue.”
“Well, sounds like someone is neglecting to factor in sunrises and sunsets.” Bailey drops to a squat again, and he’s digging around among the tiny jars in a wooden crate. Watching his assbounce while he balances on the balls of his feet does all kinds of things to me. He breaks the seal and holds it out to me. “Try.”
I move a finger toward the open jar but he pulls back with a smirk.
“Hold on, Pooh Bear. Don’t go sticking your finger in there.” There is a mini wooden honey stick on the side, held on by an elastic band. He chuckles to himself while he pulls it off and twirls it around before offering the stick to me.
It’s small enough that I can pop the whole thing into my mouth like a lollipop and hold it there. The sweetness is there, but it’s more complex. More intense. Kinda like what I’m seeing.
Bailey managed to drip some honey on his finger before handing it over, so I spend far longer than socially acceptable watching him suck it off. Best part is, he sees I’m watching him and stares right back. His eyes don’t waver even to blink.
After I pull the stick out, I realize the difference in taste isn’t the wood. There is smokiness to the honey and something else—like sea salt when paired with chocolate or caramel. Still nothing like I’ve ever tasted before. “How’d you make this?”
“Trade secret.” He shrugs. Then he puts the lid back on and offers the closed jar to me. “Here.”
“You don’t have to give me this just for helping you.”