Page 89 of Broken-Hearted

We walk into a tree, but only one, which isn’t bad considering neither of us looks where we’re going.


Two days later, and I’m fighting over a donut with Nathan during a boisterous breakfast at the Blackshaw farmhouse when Savannah declares.

“I’m pregnant!”

We all fall silent to look at her.

Mornings are loud. Then again, so are lunchtimes, and dinners. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.

“Well, yes,” Nathan says. “We knew that days ago.”

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Savannah asks as Jeremy wraps his arm around her shoulders and drops a kiss on top of her hair.

“Figured you’d tell us when you were ready,” Dayne stops feeding Patrick to say.

“Any plans for your land?” Nathan asks.

Jeremy shrugs. “Not sure. I guess we could just keep using it for runs. Our hands are going to be pretty full from now on.”

“You could sell it,” Nathan suggests.

Everyone turn to him, curious. “Sell it to who?”

“We met a couple on our way here,” I explain. “Simon and Matilda. I’m not sure if they would want to settle here, but I think they might. One day.”

“They were interested in buying land but were having trouble figuring out where to settle. I gave them my number,” Nathan says.

“Simon was looking for underdeveloped land to build something,” I tell Dayne.

Dayne sits up in his seat. “Build what exactly? And do you know if he has any experience in construction?”

Talis laughs. “He’s not going to want to extend the house for you.”

Dayne shrugs. “He might. But it’ll have to be after.”

I glance up at the ceiling. Marshall and Jenna are upstairs, still sleeping, or at least Jenna is. Her due date is a week away, so there’s going to be no building until after the baby comes. “Have they picked a name yet?”

“Nope. Jenna said they’d know the perfect name when the baby was born,” Savannah says.

“Sounds risky.” Jeremy sits back in his seat and shakes his head. “Both their brains are going to be fried after the birth.”

Savannah leans against him. “Like yours will be when ours is born.”

As everyone is talking, coming up with potential baby names, my back pocket starts vibrating.

Nathan is talking with Hallee. When I look at him, there’s no hint of anguish in him.

I smile as I push my chair back and get to my feet.

Nathan turns to me at once. “Peach?”

“I’ll be back,” I assure him. “Just have something to do.”

I feel his eyes track me as I walk out of the kitchen, fishing my cell phone from my back pocket as I wander down the back porch to answer the call. “Hey, sis.”

“You’re staying, aren’t you?”