I smile apologetically at him. “Oh, hey there honey.” I mentally wince at the endearment I nearly choked on getting out. Anything to throw him off the scent that I’m looking to ditch him at the first opportunity.
His frown deepens. “What are you doing here?”
“I sent someone to get a needle for my ripped dress and felt bad so I thought I could get it myself.” I shrug. “And instead I got lost and found myself in the kitchen instead.”
His eyes narrow.
I peer over my shoulder, smiling at Jude. “Sorry I nearly knocked your tray over. I better go now.”
And I turn back to Adrian and hook my arm with his.
“Is it dinner now?” I ask brightly.
Isit beside Adrian in an enormous dining room.
Everyone is eating and chatting away. I am counting down the seconds until this meal is over and it’s time for this mating ceremony I absolutely do not want. And if I can’t escape it, then figuring out the nearest window I can throw myself out of because I have a feeling Adrian is crazy, and nothing I do will change it.
I’m also trying desperately hard not to think of Nathan, who went to sort out a surprise for me, only to return to find me gone. He’ll smell Adrian and his enforcers, maybe even track us to the main road where we all climbed into Adrian’s vehicles.
But will he know we came to Minnesota?
Part of me hopes he doesn’t, so he won’t follow and get himself killed trying to rescue me. Another part hopes rescue is soon coming.
“You’re not eating, Clara.”
I nearly drop my fork, my fingers tightening around it before it can land on my plate of steak and potatoes. Probably the best steak I’ve ever had. There’s not a hint of a lump in these mashed potatoes, and the grilled asparagus is perfectly tender and crisp.I’ve eaten exactly one bite of everything and my stomach is full of so many knots I can’t make myself eat another.
Instead, I smile at the man sitting far too close to me. “I’m a little nervous about tonight.”
I’m not even lying.
When he stretches a hand toward me, it takes everything in me not to stab him with my fork.
His fingers brush my neck, the exact spot he will bite me tonight. “There’s no reason to be nervous. We’ll celebrate our union in front of the pack. And then…” His voice lowers and his eyes turn hooded.
That’s exactly what I’m nervous about.
All of it.
I’m not hungry, but I take a small bite of my mashed potatoes. Just as I’d hoped, Adrian removes his hand.
I relax when he turns to speak to someone on his left. I can’t see who, given we’re on a long bench.
I quickly chew, force myself to swallow and put my fork down. “I need the bathroom.”
Adrian nods at an enforcer hovering at his shoulder. “Go with her, Eric.”
I freeze, half-standing. “Gowithme?”
“I wouldn’t want you to lose your way again.” Adrian smiles.
That smile makes me think he knew I was trying to run and failed. That he isn’t about to let me get another chance to run again.
Adrian returns to his meal, and I get to my feet.
“Bring her to my room when she’s finished,” he calls out.