Page 50 of Broken-Hearted

His eyes turn hooded. “Did you justgrowlat me?”

From the heat in his gaze, I foresee where things might be going. “Maybe.”

“Maybe we could skip this walk,” he says, leaning in to kiss me.

Just to be contrary, I evade his kiss and pat his chest before rising. “Come on, Blackshaw. Let’s see about this walk.”

Nathan grins at me like I did exactly what he wanted.

A part of me can’t help but wonder if he just played me.


I’d been enjoying our morning walk through the forest until Nathan stops beside a lake and raises his eyebrow.

There’s no guessing what he intends.

I pull my hand from his and cross my arms. “No. This is not my idea of romance.”

It’s a beautiful day, maybe even skinny dipping weather, but I’m not eager to get naked in front of Nathan. Don’t ask me why, but I’m feeling strangely shy after everything we spent most of last night and this morning doing.

“Okay.” Nathan shrugs.

I watch him kick off his boots, step out of his pants, and walk into the lake, seemingly the end destination in our walk.

When he reaches deeper into the water and starts paddling, he turns to face me. “Get in the water, peach. We have a lunch date later, so we don’t have long here.”

I angle my head, studying him curiously. “A lunch date?”

He floats on his back, arms outstretched. “Yep.”

“Where?” I hadn’t thought there was much to see or do in Hardin. We passed through the tiny Colorado town so fast I didn’t even see it.

“You’ll find out later.”

“Why not tell me now?”

“Because what is romance without a little mystery?”

I hide my smile as I watch him float.

I have no intention of getting in the water. But the longer I stand beside the lake, the more I realize it’s perfect floating in a lake and staring up at fluffy white clouds in the sky weather.

“You know you want to.” Nathan tempts me further.

“Okay. Fine. But no funny business,” I warn him. “I don’t want some tiny fish to get confused and swim up my hoo-ha.”

Nathan is laughing as I step out of my pants.

By the time I’m easing my shirt over my head, he is no longer laughing.

I take one look at him and I back away from the edge of the water. “No.”

“We’re just going to have a quick swim,” he says with his eyes glued to my breasts.

I don’t have much to excite a guy in the chest department, but for a guy who likes to call me peach because of my ass, Nathan sure does seem to have a thing about my breasts.

“If we were just going to have a swim, you would not be looking at me like that, Blackshaw.” My tone is accusatory, but Nathan’s gaze is so hot and hungry, it’s making me wonder if maybe I can live without this lunch date he promised me was coming.