Page 55 of Broken-Hearted

After the way Dayne growled his order, it sounded like Nathan was going to get pulled up about something.

Savannah shakes her head. “Not in trouble. No one can get Angel down for her nap with the ease he can. It’s like magic.”

I angle my head back to the house. “Really?”

She nods. “They love him and he loves them right back.”

I remember him holding Angel on my first day here, and how eagerly she reached for Nathan. He looked good.


Like he would be a good?—

Hold up, Clara. Where the hell are you going with this thought?

“You’re about two seconds away from walking into a tree,” Savannah’s amused voice punctures my thoughts.

I stop inches away from said tree and smile gratefully at her. “Uh, thanks. Got a little distracted there for a second.”

Her grin is impish. “Ah. It wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain someone, would it?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I lie.

She laughs as she hooks her arm with mine and leads us into the forest. “Regan was right. Being on the other side of this is so much more fun.”

“Other side of what?” I frown.

“Knowing a packmate likes someone, seeing said packmate squirm and try to deny it, all while blushing hard enough to light up a room.” She pats my arm when I try to tell her she’s wrong. “We’ll talk it out over hot chocolates. Luka makes the best, but mine isn’t bad.”

“It’s not what you think.”

“We’ve barely seen Nathan since you got here.” Her eyes sparkle as we continue our walk through the forest. “And when he has shown his face at the house, he’s wearing a smile none of us have ever seen before.”

My steps slow. “What kind of smile?”

I like Nathan’s smiles. They’re infectious. It’s probably why I didn’t immediately shove him out of my bed when I told him us sleeping together would be a onetime thing only.

“The kind that says he is also developing feelings for you.”

We reach the cabin and she leads the way in as I’m processing how I feel about Nathan developing feelings for me.

Savannah gives my bed a thoughtful look, and I blush and look away. She’s a shifter. There’s no way she wouldn’t know exactly what Nathan and I have been doing in here.

“I’ll make us those hot chocolates,” she says, guiding me toward the dining table as she continues to the kitchen.

I take a seat at the bench and watch her grab a metal tin of cocoa from an open shelf, a pan from a cupboard, and a container of milk from the refrigerator.

She sets to work making cocoa on the stove as I prepare myself for a talk I’m not sure I’m eager to have.Especiallysince it concerns my love life. I have a feeling all those times I teased Martha on her love life are about to bite me in the ass.

“I haven’t told my packmates I’m pregnant,” she says as she stirs the contents of the pan.

I blink, surprised at the whirlwind change in conversation. “Uh...”

Have I dodged a bullet? I think so.

She darts a rapid glance my way, her expression wry. “I want to talk about Nathan and you, but I kind of need to talk to someone who isn’t my pack about something that’s a little scary.”

“Like having a baby?”