It’s a typical family dinner with large platters of fried chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and gravy with cornbread. We wash it down with water and iced tea. All of it is homemade and all of it is absolutely delicious.
We all serve ourselves. And of course, being shifters with enormous appetites, we all go back for seconds and thirds until we’ve cleared the platters.
The twins have matching white high chairs at the big wooden dining table. Nathan feeds Angel between bites of his own meal, Dayne feeds Patrick, and the rest of us eat as Nathan and I fill everyone in on the journey from Dawley.
It’s been a while since I’ve eaten like this. Before Martha and I went to Dawley, it was just us. In Dawley, we ate like this, but here feels different. I’m not sure if it’s because they’re family. In Dawley, we were all lone shifters looking to find a home.
Whatever the reason for the difference, I don’t move to get up even after I’ve finished my meal. I’m relaxed, content, and comfortable.
When Nathan’s cell phone vibrates across the table, he picks it up, glances at caller ID and hands it to me. “Ah, this is for you.”
The dreaded conversation I’ve been actively avoiding for a while now. I can only imagine Martha held off on calling because Nathan was texting her updates. Now she knows I’m in Hardin, and somewhere private where no one will hear her yell, she’s going to unload on me. Martha rarely ever loses her temper, but I foresee a well-deserved tongue lashing in my future.
“Do you mind if I borrow your phone and return it later? I’d like to speak to her alone, maybe in the cabin.” I get to my feet and reach for the phone. No one needs to hear my big sister giving me hell for being inconsiderate and reckless.
“Keep it,” Nathan says. “You want me to show you to the cabin?”
I shake my head. “If you point me in the general direction, I’ll find it.”
“I’ll be back, trouble. Eat food not Mom’s hair or you’ll turn into a little kitten coughing up hairballs,” Nathan warns Angel, tweaking her nose again. She has the most infectious giggle in the world, which makes everyone smile except Dayne, who sighs sadly. “I’m not sure when I stopped being the favorite.”
“I’m the cool uncle. You’re the guy with all the rules.” Nathan flashes him a grin as Talis takes over feeding Angel while he leads me out of the kitchen through the back door.
“Stop by whenever, okay Clara?” Talis calls out.
I smile and nod as everyone waves goodbye.
As I follow Nathan to the door and down the back porch, the phone stops ringing. That’s okay. I’ll call Martha when I get to the cabin.
He points toward a well-beaten track that leads deeper into the forest. “Just follow that path and it’ll take you right to Savannah’s cabin.”
“Thanks.” I jog down the stairs.
“Everything should be set up for you. Food, bed made, and I think Savannah left some clothes and stuff for you to use.”
A good thing too, since I ran from Dawley with literally the clothes on my back.
“Thanks.” I smile at him. “I appreciate it.”
I feel Nathan watching me as I walk into the forest.
His packmates’ scents are so recent that Nathan didn’t even need to point the way. I’d have found it on my own easily enough.
I wait until no one is likely to hear Martha yell at me before I hit re-dial and brace myself for Martha to answer.
“How could you have just run off like that, Clara?” Martha demands. “You just ran off.”
“I was trying to keep everyone safe,” I say, trying to ignore the hurt in her voice.
“By running off in the middle of an attack and getting yourself killed?” Her voice rises an octave.
I stop walking when a small, cute looking cabin comes into view.
“Someone tried to kill you, Martha. Then they immediately tried to kill Nathan. Because of me. I didn’t want anyone else hurt because of me. I’m sorry I did it, but I don’t regret it.”
Especially because Adrian and his enforcers followed me to Rosenwood which meant they’re no longer in Dawley to hurt Martha. Not that Ty would let anyone get to her, but at least Martha is no longer in any danger.