“God you feel so good,” I said, letting go of his leg and rubbing his firm stomach. He gripped his hard cock in a loose fist and made his hole clench and release around me. I nearly came right then and there but somehow managed to hold back.
I started to thrust, in and out, finding a rhythm that had us both grunting loud. Skin slapped skin, his muscular chest flushing pink. I leaned down and kissed him as I continued to fuck him. My balls tightened. Each thrust made me feel closer and closer to the edge. I could tell by the way Xavier’s strokes quickened that he was close too.
“Where do you want me to come?” I asked him, stars beginning to creep into my vision.
“Inside me. Fill me up.”
“Oh fuuuck,” I said. His words were enough to push me over the edge. My eyes snapped shut as I gave one last, deep thrust and emptied my balls inside of him. My entire body twitched and tightened as my release washed over me. I opened my eyes in time to watch Xavier blow his load all over his abs and chest, his hole clenching around me with every shot.
My entire body relaxed as the release finished. I slowly pulled out of him and dropped to the bed. We both worked to catch our breaths, my cock still hard and leaking. I couldn’t get enough of this man and felt beyond lucky he was all mine.
Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay in bed today.
“That was incredible,” Xavier said, sliding an arm underneath me. I cuddled into him. “I’m ready for the hatchday party now,” he said with a chuckle. “I’ll have your load inside me the entire time.”
“Fuck, that’s so hot.” I kissed him, my heart feeling like it had been swapped out with a family of fluttering butterflies. “I love you, X.”
“I love you too, baby.”
The Magic Box had been transformed into a balloon and streamer filled party zone. The tables selling crystals and wands were pushed to the side, next to the glass displays of rare herbs and figurines. Claire had enchanted a ‘happy hatchday’ sign to float above the long table set in the center of the store where the entire Blackthorne family say. Even dad had made it. He’d come back home after months of being away, giving us all a tearful apology about how badly he messed up by being so distant and how he was running from mom’s death. It took time to accept it, but his actions since being back had proven that he really did want to stick around this time.
It felt good, having us all here to celebrate Damien’s hatchday. He sat at the head of the table, Robby to his right, their hands held loosely on the table.
“Hey, Warr, don’t you head off to the academy soon?” Dawn asked. She sat across from us, her hair shining under the sunlight that filled the shop. We were originally going to host the party in the castle but Claire had suggested a party on the beach afterward and figured since her shop was across the street from it that she’d offer.
“I am,” Warrick answered. He nudged his glasses higher up his nose. I was so damn proud of my little brother, having gotten accepted into Wynwood Academy without so much as breaking a sweat. He had inspired me. And with a push from Blake, I had decided to study for my LSATs again. It was going much smoother than last time, no doubt helped by the practicequestions and theories Blake would randomly lob at me throughout the day.
“Are you packed and ready?” Claire asked.
“Nope, not at all,” he answered with a chuckle.
Madds laughed, his arm thrown around the back of Caleb’s chair. “Warrick always waits until the last minute for everything.”
Warr shrugged. “It’s a curse.”
“Well I’ve got a few curse breakers I can sell you for a discount,” Claire replied with a wink.
“I might need one of those actually,” Blake said. He sat next to me, his hand resting on my thigh. He looked extra sharp, having gotten a haircut yesterday along with a new dark blue button-up and crisp new jeans. His sleeves were rolled and the first three buttons were undone, showing off the thin gold necklace I had bought him recently. I found myself wanting to spoil him rotten and that’s exactly what I intended to do. “I accidentally walked under a ladder today. I’m sure I’ve got bad luck coming.”
“You’ll be fine,” Claire said. “It’s only breaking a mirror that really causes any kind of bad luck.”
“Good to know,” Blake said.
All the attention turned to Robby as he cleared his throat and lifted his glass of champagne. “Hi everyone, thanks for being here today as we celebrate averyspecial person’s hatchday.” His eyes turned to his man, light beaming from his smile. “We’ve all been through, um, quite a lot as a family and I’m glad we’ve come out of it unscathed.”
What an understatement that was.
“We’ve saved lives, beat back evil, and we’ve all foundpartners we can trust with our hearts. Hell, even the Chaos King has been subdued since we beat the Time Turners. Everything is as it should be, and it just makes me so happy that we can celebrate today without any kind of danger or threats looming over us. To peace and to family and to Damien,” Robby said, lifting his glass for a cheers. We all matched him, my heart filling with an indescribable warmth.
“Happy hatchday, baby. Now, I think it’s time for you to cut the cake.”
“Thank you, I love you,” Damien said, leaning in for a kiss. He picked up the knife and sliced into the three tiered cake that sat in front of him. It was vanilla with a strawberry center that was already making my mouth water.
Except Damien paused. His eyebrows inched together. “That’s weird.” He pulled the knife out and set it out. “There’s something in here.”
Robby stood up. He looked a little nervous. I cocked my head. The room fell silent. That’s when he reached into the cake and pulled out a small, strawberry cream covered box. Dawn swallowed a tiny gasp. Blake’s hand tensed around my thigh.
“And I’m hoping there’s one more reason to celebrate today,” Robby said. He dropped to one knee and opened the box, a bright gold ring glittering inside of it. “From the day I met you in this very shop, I knew you’d be the one for me. It was something that was as sure as the sun rising every morning and setting every night. Through our time together, that feeling only cemented, each and every day. I fell more and more in love with you, and I still do. I want to keep falling in love with youuntil the end of time. So, Damien Blackthorne, will you marry me?”
There was only a second of silence as Damien processed it before his face broke into a massive smile. “Of course, Robby. Yes. Absolutely, yes.”
The room broke out into claps and cheers as Robby slipped the ring on Damien’s finger and was pulled up by Damien, their lips locking in a kiss that sealed the deal.