I could only moan a soft, “I love you.”
If we don’t go now, we’ll never have the strength to leave. The house is so close. We both sense Ivy. Her heat and the connection between us pulls us back toward our woman.
I grab Mrez’s hand and step into the portal. The world shifts around us.
We step out of the portal into a dark clearing in the middle of the forest. Our night vision makes it easy to see our surroundings. Everything smells wrong, as if the energy of the place has shifted into a dark, evil version of it.
An ancient temple that looks absolutely wrong and out of place stands in the middle of the clearing. Black stones shine under the light of the moon.
“The Dark Church,” Mrez whispers in veneration.
It’s the house of The Dark Lord, the portal they’ll use to bring him from his prison dimension. I feel energy rolling in waves from this place. It is neither good nor evil. Like The Shadows, it’s grey. Nothing is good or bad. It’s old, tainted by negative things, and filled with power.
“Can you feel the power?”
Mrez nods. “It’s like a wall pushing me away, yet it pulls me toward it at the same time.”
I understand. We’re hidden behind trees, watching the clearing and The Church. Each of its stones seem as if they’re made of the purest porcelain that shines in the light of the moon. Some of them glow hotter than the others.
The clearing is filled with humans, each wearing a robe with a hoodie. It’s impossible for the humans not to be overwhelmed by the energy of The Church if it makes me feel dizzy. The people move like straws of grass in the wind, chanting. Waves of energy emanate from the mass of people.
“They’re using the words wrong,” says Mrez.
“Aramaic is hard. Maybe if they chant it wrong enough, it’ll upset The Lord of Darkness and he’ll smash them.”
“Do we have a plan, Draw?”
I shrug. I’m still considering sending Mrez back. “This is your last chance if you want to go.”
“Fuck you, Draw.”
“Don’t tempt me.” I slap him on his shoulder and press one last kiss on his cheek.
Torches turn the night as bright as day, hurting my eyes. The flames dance in the same, floating way the humans do.
We stand outside the clearing, hidden behind tall trees, watching what’s going on. The Dark Church attracts my eyes again and again. This place is our heritage, our church from the times my people knew the taste of glory. It’s yet one more thing The Church of Light has stolen from us. However, the immense power of The Dark Church can still be harvested to help my people press forward and possibly even defeat The Anomaly.
Mrez and I shift into our non-physical forms, morphing into tendrils of darkness, and push between the wild crowd until we are in front of the steps of the Church of Darkness. Shaped like an old South American pyramid, The Church is comprised of stairs and platforms.
A tall red head stands on the stairs of the Dark Church and chants something that I cannot make out. Next to her is a man. At first, I didn’t recognize the face, but I’d recognize that evil gaze in each and every one of his incarnations. He’s a born possessed one, a damn abomination.
“Hey, Ashole,” I call out as I turn back into my large. strong half-human half-scorpion self. As I do, it’s possible I break a few necks and legs of those around me. Every person present is the enemy, so who cares?
“What an honor,” Ashole replies. “The Shadow Prince himself.”
I’m tempted to say more but held back. I sensed that I’m slipping toward a blood rush that would have been hard to reign in.
“Ashole, I need to have a word with you.”
“My title is High Priest. And I’m willing to listen, Shadow Prince.”
Ashole descends the stairs. The red headed chick throws me a dark glance. She possesses magic that’s strong and potent. I feel it humming in her veins. She’s not possessed, but a natural witch from a strong bloodline. I can smell her way over the rest of the crowd, over the scent of sweat, fear, and adoration that pulsates from them.
“Tell your witch to avoid engaging in any funny shit,” I warn Ashole.